"Main" healers vs. "off"-healers

“Ana, Mercy, Moira are main healers Zenyatta and Brigitte are off-healers and Lucio could be seen as both. This is not an opinion this is a fact confirmed by many pro players.” Because a pro player says these supports are main healers and these are off healers makes it a “fact” that is the most silly thing ive ever heard

I agree with your post completely OP. Only low rank players try to split them into off groups. The only thing that matters is building comps that work well together.

You want a sustainable comp with range? Go sigma, Bap, zen, Hanzo, and tracer.

Want a comp built purely for speed/rush? Go ball, tracer, reaper, Lucio, and moira

Every support duo is viable if built around the correct dps and tank

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