Lvl shaming and how to deal with it

Its simple MUTE them… I’m telling you ever since i started muting people as soon as i hear “wow youre a 4 star silver portrait and in plat” I mute them and its been the most liberating thing.

I used to sit there and try to argue with them but its a waste of time and energy tbh… most of the time its because were losing and they want someone to blame and its easier to look at the higher lvl player and say “look at their lvl they should be carrying they must h ave no life on this game that much to be that lvl and they arent carrying the team as mercy!!!” instead of looking at themselves and saying “wow i wasnt the best at dpsing that round i should do xyz to become better”

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Im just sat here Wondering why it’s taken you this long to realise and start implementing that. This is not news. But congratulations for realising…I guess

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hey if you dont like the post you’re not required to respond you know.

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What do you mean lvl shaming? Honestly curious. I assume ppl insulting you because your silver portrait but why?

I turned voice chat off almost a year ago now. I turned text chat off in Overwatch AND HotS last week. A bit of stress has been eliminated. People still do stupid things in both games. But at least I don’t have to listen / read their crappy complaints or even talk to them about it.

Yeah. This probably WILL hold me back and keep me out of high-level play. But it is that or I quit both games and send Blizzard an email stating how I’m sick of their players ruining their games for me. Now, I pretend those stupid players are just NPC’s who aren’t programmed very well. Works much better.

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It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s something to read I guess

I really hate if people being toxic or starts to throw because your level/sr/hero pick/nickname and we havent even started the game. Why is this good for them?

I start to hate the hero select screen even more than the defeat screen.

It’s because even though they have put such an enormous amount of time into the game they still aren’t at a very high rank

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They just spew ignorant garbage honestly this is what i hear the most
When im in diamond - wow silver portrait and in diamond your trash
When im in plat -wow silver portrait and still in plat? Your trash

  • you have no life look at your lvl
    -your garbage for your lvl

The comments are endless and they only come out when wete losing

People that make those comments don’t realize time investment (level) ≠ skill rating. Just ignoring/muting them is the best option. You can also lower the Voice Chat Volume in Sound settings so that their quibbling becomes as quiet as a whisper. :wink:

Personally, my two pet peeves are players that max mic and complain about hero picks at the start of a match.

Voice comms are a vital component to Competitive, in my honest opinion. Shot calling is very ineffective in text chat by comparison to voice comms due to the immediacy of voice comms and the lack of that immediacy in text chat (note: text chat, not chat commands).

I’ve muted people when they start to complain about one of my hero picks when we have a good team composition and there is no need to flex unless I feel I’m not pulling my weight as whoever I chose or want to focus on improving my skill with a different hero at the start of another round. I’m always focused on team compositions in Competitive Play, but the unwarranted hate that ‘off-meta’ heroes get and the blame game and harassment thrown to those of us that prefer playing as off-meta heroes is just how things will be. So don’t let those negative people affect your overall enjoyment of the game.

I think the Endorsements system helps a lot. There was a time in Placements I was being harassed by someone a lot, and I never replied to them, but my EMP helped secure us the final point we needed to win. He still complained after the match was over, but then I was flooded with Good Teammate and Sportsmanship endorsements, and without saying anything, I knew my teammates had my back. :slight_smile:

Depends on how you play really. If you do better playing very much as a team it may effect you, however there are plenty of High ranked players that have voice and chat muted and /hidechat to hide any extra text(ProLikeChro is a good example of this)

If you can’t play as a team, don’t play a team based game competitively. It’s simple, people suck, I wouldn’t try to argue that. But if you are gonna play competitively it’s best to either mute toxic individuals or try and calm down others before leaving VC at least.

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You’re in this thread advocating for outright muting people at the while in another thread complaining you should be able to report people for not switching to the hero you demand. How does shame not fill you to the brim and force you off these forums? It is an incredible mystery.

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Doesn’t work for everyone, and I know it can be frustrating, but if you really are at the end of your rope with it I won’t try to convince ya otherwise.

So me muting someone becuase they are literally screaming in my ear about my rank is comparable to me asking someone to please switch? And i should be ashamed? Well sorry im not ashamed lmfao and ill be staying on the fourms :3 and you can keep reading and commenting on all my posts :slight_smile:

Hey, why are you solo queing, and then crying TEAM GAME?

Because youre on a team with 5 other people playing as a team… why are you on the fourms looking for an argument… doesnt it get tired

You could group up since before season 1, if you want a team atmosphere, create a team. Don’t join a into a random group expecting that you’re going to get pocketed and have 2 shield tanks standing on your face protecting you all game. You’re just incompetent to expect that.

Thats what the torb player in my other post was expecting… but you seem to think thats fine

Because you are supposed to work on a team, you may not know your team but you are expected to work with them, have you ever played a pick up game of basketball?