Lucioball is Awesome!

I wish this was a game mode which was either accessible all year round or alternatively available in custom games. RIght now it looks like it will only be in the Arcade for way less than 24 hours as the slot changes daily, assumably at midnight in whatever timezone is observed (PDT?).


I agree that they should add this to the custom game roster.

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Quick question regardint Lucioball. Does it give first win lootbox?

It changes at 5PM PST every day - though they may not change it today since the event just started. Lucio ball will either be the shortest or longest brawl for the entire event, depending on which is true.

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The only thing that would make this game better is if you could punch the other team to knock them down.

That would be unsportsmanlike conduct! :open_mouth:


I could also be better if it stayed forever wink wink

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The first time Lucioball came out, you could knock enemy Lucios back but they removed it because it was easily abused by standing next to the enemy goalie until the ball came around.

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Tell them there at the office that WE WANT TO PLAY ALL PAST BRAWLS IN CUSTOM GAMES!

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I love how “THIS” is the topic the devs reply to and not anything else regarding the event…


How sick would it be to have a custom no-holds barred game of Lucio ball? Just playing with Bastions and Torb and stuff like that. Would be flipping radical

Why have you not replied to my thread. I made an entire post about how great blizzard is. Reply to it and i will give you a loot box :joy:

Tonight was the night of JUNKENSTEIN’S REVENGE!

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Gotta get those responses into the toothless fluff threads for the “community interaction” quota

This PCGamesN interview with Jeff can provide insight on that subject.

We love your enthusiasm and thank you for playing. Enjoy the event!


So does that mean there’s a chance for permanent PvE, maybe even let us play the Talon soldier like you do the mutants in Left 4 Dead?


so… this is what they comment on. CANNOT STOP WILL NOT STOP

…aaaaannddd he’s gone… Quick make a topic about how much you hat-I-mean-like FFA comp to get him back!

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Lucio ball < competitive FFA death match against 5 Roadhog one tricks and 2 pro counter strike players on McCree

After reading the article I get not wanting to fatigue the players, then what was the thought process behind keeping CTF as a permanent mode.

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A) Doomfist Ball would obviously be epic using his kit

B) LucioBall needs to be in the game browser and allow us to try some crazy things with it… at least during the event…

C) LucioBall is so different from other “events”… it’s a game mode… it has it’s niche following that would probably play this every day.