Lucio meta INCOMING

which it’s not a bad thing. Infact, he is my most played support and I love playing him the most.

ATM, he is the 5th most played in GM and 7th most played in masters. I think many people are not playing Lucio at lower ranks, because they can’t utilize his wall riding like the higher levels can. But now because of his changes, many more people can use his wall riding easily, and they even reverted the speed nerfs and are fixing the momentum bugs on the ptr, so he will be even better at higher levels.

not to mention boop’s cost of ammo removal, which is game changing for Lucio players too.

Lucio is going to be played a lot more IMO, what do you think?


I think he’ll have a pick rate increase, but I don’t think he’ll be meta. He stil has relatively low healing, and you need to know when too speed of heal. But hey, I’m a Lúcio main, I’m looking forward to the buffs, and if he is meta? Heh…

This’ll be fun.


Would be nice; but I think they’re doing it to make Zen/ Brigitte/ Lucio all viable options in their own ways for off supports

Since Moira/ Mercy already work like that, Brigitte is about to hit comp, and Zen is already amazing

Only fair for Lucio to be a viable option

Next is Ana


the bug that lets orisa and basically not moved when booped because they are shooting is being fixed, lucio doesn’t have to spend ammo for boop, and his mobility is easier to use, so yeah, i think he’d be one of 2 healers, the other possibly being brig, or it could be back to lucio zen standard dive meta.

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I love Lucio and the only thing that kept me from playing him more was my inability to wall ride well. The no ammo cost for boop is great too! He’ll be more fun to play but he’s still missing something to push him back to the top of the meta. I think his radius for speed boost/heal needs to be like 5m bigger before he’s really good again.

I plan to start playing him more myself. He was always the support I wanted to play well but I just couldn’t manage the wall ride. I’m really excited!


Improved wall riding won’t make him S tier. People overestimate the importance of that part of his kit in comp. It definitely will make him more fun for beginning lucio players so i wouldn’t be surprised at an uptick in pick rate. But I imagine his place in the meta won’t move much

More likely Lúcio nerf incoming, due to the amount of tears from the forums.(why did that Lúcio boop me! I was definitely no where near that cliff it’s bugged!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!!!)

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Or triple support meta with Lucio brig and someone else

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lucio brig and zen… the horrors, what dps/tanks would go along with them? with discord brig can use her combo to one shot 200 health heroes, lucio speed boosts help brig and the dps/tanks, trying to dive zen would mean dealing with brig’s combo, plus discord, destruction is insured.


It would be nice to see a triple support meta. Its refreshing

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They pick him in GM because of Speed Boost, not wallride.

I feel like Lucio’s kit is the most misunderstood by lower ranked players.


Of course, but now he is easier to play/better so many more people will use him.

I don’t think anyone is going to pick Lúcio because he can Boop more often and his Wall Ride is easier. The Boop change doesn’t really help unless you actually know how to use it to lead his gun, something that lower ranked Lucios don’t do as often.

Might be off topic but Hanzo might be meta, who knows…

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Yeah wont Hanzo be meta now, replacing McCree, and to bust the tanks?

But I would like to be able to pick Lucio without being told to switch again!

Even if Lucio does become meta again, we’re not getting a “Lucio” meta. We’re most likely getting a Dive meta w/Lucio.

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Lucio is great for some maps but not all.

For example he isn’t too great on Oasis - where the entire team is spread apart.
Also not that great in defense payload side such as Kings Row where you need massive burst healing instead of sustained.

While he is great on attacker side of Kings Row
and KoTH maps like Illios.

Well his ability and skill ceiling at the top level has been nerfed. So not sure this means much. You may see more people walll riding all over the place doing nothing at lower ranks, but at the top level, where you actually see good Lucio’s, there is potential for him to see less play time.
His rollouts, clutch point touches and unpredictability has all been nerfed.

His new wall riding has made him a piece of cake to target for me (Tracer main)
It’s so linear and predictable.

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Youll see a lot of new low skill Luciocs, but high skill Lucio’s can’t really do anything new.

They actually can only do less. His roll-outs have been harmed massively.
His movement has also become more predictable.

I don’t know if the boop will make up for that personally.