Lucio is the most picked character in GM

Can we just face it that he needs his kit reworked? Everyone admits he has the potential to hard carry games while being the engine that drives the dreaded GOATS


Maybe he’d get picked less if Reinhardt comps weren’t so dominant.


There will always be a most picked hero.


The issue with lucio is just that they buffed him when he was totally balanced for no good reason. Just because Mercy being ridiculously overpowered meant he didn’t see use for a little bit, warranted arbitrarily powercreeping other healers? Nah.

Revert his last buff and he’ll be back to being balanced, like he always was.


but when its a hero like dva they get nerfed lol


Well that was 98% in pro games. That’s understandable.


listen to yourself, you guys always come up with an excuse to axe a character. its not the characters fault there isnt enough hero diversity to fill the role of granting speed


This doesn’t make him OP, just like Zarya is needed for GOATS , it doesn’t make her OP. GOATS when played properly maximises the synergy between the heroes that what makes it so strong. Yes nerfing speed would probably make GOATS less viable , but it wouldn’t make sense balance wise , as lucio by him self is fine , rein + zarya comps are impossible to play without lucio , but it doesn’t mean lucio is OP. Just like dive is impossible to play without a zen, doesn’t him OP


Nah he’s just being enabled by the current meta that he synergises very well with especially since Rein and Ana have no real competition

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Smh I have the impression that having a hero who can give his team a speed boost doesn’t work all that well in a game where tanks are fat dps mainly restricted by their mobility…

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Lucio isnt OP, if you watch someone like FunnyAstro play ofc youre gonna think hes op, because Astro is a world grade player on lucio, if you think hes op, just pick and see in your own rank.

once you start winning most of your games with him, killing all the enemy players, healing more than the rest of your team, then you can say hes op.
but with his winrate being worse than sombras in GM, and having a decent winrate of 51% in general, you cant really say hes op.


He doesn’t need to be hard nerfed. AOE healing needs to not stack and GOATS is solved. Letting two types of AOE healing stack is what is breaking the game. A hero should only receive the highest AOE heal that is affecting them.

Blizzard is probably going to introduce more AOE healers in the future. GOATS was caused by the introduction of a second AOE healer to the game. Unless they nip this problem now, multiple AOE healers is going to be the meta for a very long time.

Not letting AoE stack is objectively worst thing the devs can possibly do, as it makes the other AoE healer practically useless, that is also like saying don’t let Damage stacks, only the higher damage can only be dealt to the enemy.

Also forcing a 2-2-2 comp is not the way to go either…


Just because a character is good or popular doesn’t mean they need to be changed.


He enables the most Heroes out of all the other Healers and he also erases a few Heroes’ most prominent flaws (EX: Reinhardt/Brigitte/D.Va lower movement speed when blocking/shooting).

Honestly his kit is fine, it’s the speed that really screws things up. The only constant in this game is movement speed (with 2 outliers having a natural 6mps; the rest 5.5mps). So him being the only speed booster pretty much does more than any of the other Supports can. And enemies moving at 7.15mps to 10.2mps are obviously going to be harder to fight off than ones moving at 5.5mps to 6mps.

They need to nerf how his speed works, but keep it the same for himself (basically a Zenny-fix).

  1. Split Amp It Up into 2 cooldowns so he can use each version independently. 12 seconds for each.
  2. Nerf the vanilla speed to 10%, however, give a 20% buff to jump height/gravity. This allows jumps across gaps to still be made, but not increase lateral movement so Reins can’t stomp in easily.
  3. During Amp, the speed goes to 30% and the jump buff goes to 50%.

The utility for getting his team across areas still exists. He just can’t use it to storm the gates ez-pz anymore. He can’t fully erase any speed restrictions Heroes have when using shields or certain weapons. The height increase will allow for his teammates to get up on boxes or odd walls, opening up new routes to take. But as you know jumping makes you easier to shoot, so the bonus to be a clunky jumpy Genji is immediately balanced by the jump arc’s predictability (without double jump/other Genji BS to switch it up).

He’s a support, one of 6.

He has a truly defensive ultimate, one of two, except his isn’t countered by Ana.

There’s so little diversity of course he’ll have a high pickrate, ignoring everything else about him, simply because he is one of very few supports with a defensive ult, especially one that counters burst damage.


Just nerf every hero to be useless. I think that’s what the forum kinda wants — for everything to be unplayable — tanks, supports and DPS alike. There’s definitely no pleasing some people.


And Ana and Rein also have pickrates close to him.
They are picked so much because they are just the perfect combo together. And they are really unique with one or more abilities.
Rein is the only main tank that is actually not sht or niche (Orisa).
Lucio is the only one with speed boost that helps Rein.
And Ana has anti heal and great burst heal, really good for Rein.

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Bizarre example tbh.

can we please stop with picking out one single hero and their pickrate and draw conclusions from that?

why is lucio picked the most?

because he synergizes with everything that is currently meta, and since that’s more than 5 other heroes every other meta hero has a lower pickrate.

and synergies are what are really meta, not just one hero. lucio is a must pick because tanks are meta.

same as mercy was a must pick when snipers were meta