Lower Ashe ADS DMG

With power creep nerfs having gone through, lowering the burst capability of many other heroes, Ashe remains markedly stronger because of her high fire rate and one tap potential. I think a simple 80->75 damage reduction would help a lot to bring her in line.

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I think she can keep her dmg for her rifle like that but I would like to see a nerf for her dynamite.

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Ashe is fine, can only one tap when pocketed…

McCree could use a look though. He’s hot garbo


McCree got all the power creep buffs in the world (legit 5-6 buffs) and only recently received 1 nerf. It’s ok if he’s not meta for a bit.

I don’t mind that he’s not meta. It’s things like his time to kill that are utterly busted. I’ve taken Ashe, McCree, and Widow and tested their TTK on 200hp with body shots. McCree is not only the slowest but requires more shots as well. Fan the Hammer is the only thing that brings his TTK back in line. Is that balanced? I dunno… I get that he has much more A-D dancing mobility than Widow/Ashe and can peak poke more safely because of that. I’d argue hanzo’s a better pick if you are keeping that into consideration since at the very least a lucky log can OHK.

This & she’s the only person who can charge their ult while it’s still active. Those two things are literally why she’s meta, she can get a bob every fight like it’s nothing.

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And when is she not pocketed?

She can’t one tap 200hp targets?

Flashbang is WAY better than venom mine though. And Deadeye can be some of the highest damage in the game compared to Widow ult which is one of the only DPS ults that does zero damage (Sym/Sombra also). McCree also fares WAY better against dive tanks than Widow. Flash/fan/roll/fan vs 120 damage unless you can hit a headshot while getting booped around.

My point is you can’t just look at a hero’s mouse 1 ability to determine how good they are.

OH I just got what I wanted lmao check experimental card.

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I’d take grapple over combat role any day of the week. Dead eye is great for reloading :smirk:… Ultravision however is stupid powerful when used properly. Legal wall hacks? Who cares if it doesn’t do damage, it doesn’t need to for all the information it gives you. Not only that but enables you to do damage as well. I’ve gotten so many kills from Widow Ult because idiots didn’t respect it as they walked around a corner. Flash bang is about the only thing I’d say he brings to the table right now. Which is arguable very powerful and I won’t refute that.

I do look beyond mb1…

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Not gonna lie I think I like everything about this card, or at least I’m not against any of it.


Ohhh yeah combat rolling in air gonna drop fools where they stand :laughing:

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Has McCree always been able to combat roll in gravitic flux? The game treats you as if you’re still on the ground (junkrat can ult, Bastion stay’s sentry, Lucio can beat), but I’ve never seen a McCree combat roll in flux.

Otherwise this is a major quality of life buff & actual buff. His movement is going to feel so much smoother & he now has an escape from things like Doomy dives & Hammy slams.


Lower her attack rate, dmg radius of dynamite + dmg nerf because its the most obnoxious thing even beyond mosquito bites. Lower her range on coach + max dmg to 50. Bob needs to be nerfed, for a new entity and auto aim it does to much to good. Either cut it by 2 seconds duration, Hp to 1000.

She is to good at to many things, without weak spots. Who thought this is a good idea to buff hitscans so they can reign superior.

To be fair, I hadn’t picked up on the fact it treats you like you’re on the ground. I knew you could use Lucio’s ult in it but I thought that was a specific interaction. I’ve never tried to combat roll with McCree while in it.

I do see it as a quality of life buff for sure but I don’t know if it’s massif. I think the math breaks down to 7.5meters now. If doom slams you and then upper cuts will the roll just be a horizontal roll across the air or a arching roll back to the ground? Hammond slam I try to hit with flash bangs before but the back up of rolling could be good when missing. But again is it going to be a horizontal roll in the air or a arching roll back to the ground?

I just hopped into practice range to feel it out. The distance buff doesn’t feel major, but it does feel nice. The midair usage feels much more seamless.

Combat roll has such a short cast time that it feels sort of odd using it high up in the air. The downward momentum feels like it drowns out the horizontal (at least visually). Using combat roll midair still maintains your gravity (it doesn’t just go straight like Swift Strike) so you maintain downward momentum.

The problem I have is I don’t know if using combat roll artificially forces down momentum or if it’s just an illusion because of how using the ability lowers your camera (because the best I could do was jump off a high point so I didn’t have an opportunity to see what it would be like with high vertical momentum).

Regardless, it will definitely be nice to have another option to deal with cc.


Id really like to see how it interacts with abilities that stall you in the air. Dooms upper cut for example has a bit of a stalling affect in the air.

He’s still not trash right now, just not top of the list…

S-tier - Tracer/Widow/Ashe/Sombra/Reaper
A-tier - Genji/Doom/Hanzo/Soldier/Echo/Pharah
B-tier - McCree/Torb/Mei/Junk
C-tier - Sym
F-tier - Bastion

I’d put him in C tier solely becaue of Ashe’s existence.