Low SR, but 5 out of 5 placements won?

Sorry, could somebody just give me a quick rundown on how role SR works now? Does the rank in previous seasons affect it? Does the rank from other roles affect it?

I have just won 5 of 5 tank placement matches, with at least 2 gold medals in each, and I think 2 cards with 5 votes for blocing, and 1 potg. In the 5 matches, only in 2 the enemy managed even to get 1 point. My endorsement level went up from 3 to 4 in those 5 matches too.

I am also ranked 2.2 as support.

But at the end of the 5 matches, I got ranked at 1.4k.

I don’t know, I just feel bamboozled, can somebody hold me please?

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Stop focussing so much on your medals, cards and POTG. honestly the only one that probably matters if you really care that much is deaths.

Just because you won all placement games doesnt mean you will get placed above your rank that you ended last season it just means you will probably be placed above what you ended last season. dont worry about it and keep grinding


If the account preexists role queue, it estimates your rank in the various roles from a few months worth of pre-role queue data. When you play as a given role it only affects the MMR from that role.

You were probably placed into a low sr because thats where you finished last season

Play Reaper and climb to diamond, Reaper is a brainless hero. EZ wins.

Thank you all for your great answers! First one more question than the wall of text:

Is there a “break point” where past seasons are not taken into account anymore? i.e. let’s say I take a break from CP for like 5 seasons and start placement matches then, will it still take my play values into account from the last season I played, even tho it was so long ago?

I hoped that the role-que change would mean that it wouldn’t take into account previous data, because frankly, I sucked and dropped competitive altogether and got gud in QP and Arcade, while my lil brother was playing from time to time in CP, so I thought here is my chance for a “fresh start”, where my past wont “haunt me” , and the fact that after I did my support placements, it put me in low Gold made me think even more so, and I just got really caught off-guard that my Tank placements put me in high bronze, because I do Tank much, much better than Support.

Tbh, I really wished they wouldn’t take into account past season, but ok.

You will start at the same MMR you left off at, but the uncertainty in your MMR will be much higher if you’ve been gone a long time (I don’t know the number, but I estimate several months). This means that you will gain/lose more rating for each game for up to twenty games. If you got much better while afk (or were practicing on a different account, in quick play, etc.) it will be easier to climb in the beginning.

The only way to get a true MMR reset is to get a new account. However, if you are better than you used to be, you will rank up and your new play data will erase your old play data, though it can take up to 150 games to find your new level.

If this is wrong, then more play will cause your roles to move to their proper level.

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