Love the forced 50, 50 win rate

If you’re better than your skill rating, you will climb. I ranked silver 2 seasons ago. took me a season to get to diamond, and another season to get to master. I played placements and placed master. Blizzard match making is fair imo


Or played the most! If I play Mercy (the hero I played the most) but then plays another support it feels throwing due to the game thinks I´m better than I´m!

I have another thread here on the forums demonstrating the patent in real time. I intentionally threw as many matches as I could and I started to get teammates that were so much better than our opponents they would consistently win 5v6s.

You are wrong. If the game thinks you are better than your rank it will let you progress. If not… u might as well put dentures in as you will be grinding ur teeth to death with 0 results.

Im 3400 player for many many seasons. Cant get past 2600 on friends account which was given to me as he no longer play.

It’s not at all fair if you’re labelled, rewarded, paid out on a single number: SR. And that number never gets reset, ever - it just refuses to leave the Whitehouse.

Having a genius offset with morons to fight normies is ‘balanced and fair’, but why is that guy labelled and hosted in a 600sr match? The mmr balance/rigging is terrible for gaming and is basically anti-competitive. People want to be labelled and ranked by their skill, not 4+ years of winrate baggage.

In other worse, SR should directly reflect your level of output and should be reset every season for competitive integrity. There should be no MMR handicapping. Rigging games for 4+ years without recourse makes the entire ladder, league, and company look like sham artists.


I was able to climb silver to master. Streamers have unranked to gm. I’m not as good as them, but if you don’t belong there, you should win more than you lose. DC’s, smurfs, hackers, and so on happen / get encountered by both teams, so that’s not really an excuse either.


gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk that you on blizzard

I agree that when it’s a 50 chance of winning it sounds fair, but consider that if you spent two years getting better then came back to the game and started playing, the Matchmaker realizes quickly that you are better and immediately offsets you with a player of equal skill on the other team completely negating the new skills that you gained. So then what’s the point of getting better? Forced 50% chance of winning has removed incentive for getting better.

It’s fine for quick play and casuals, but it has absolutely no place in competitive

what does it look like for you?

game1 win(stomp), game 2 lose(stomp), game 3 win(stomp), game 4 lose(stomp)…

50% chance to win, or 50% win rate? I mean after a while, if logic doesn’t kick in, we can’t do much. Don’t let blizzard confuse you with their never ending bs, their gambling inspired MMR that shined behind a second tank is now in plain sight, everybody sees it but deniers.

And if you need more details, just get this : you carry a win (or lose) potential into each new games you’re joining, if you have a higher potential to win than what your “elo” is expecting you to have, they will match you with teammates that have a lower potential than yours, in order to achieve a “50% winning chance”. They’re decreasing your chances to win while augmenting the chances of your teammates who carry less potential. Now imagine the enemy team only posses 50% win potential players, while your team have you with 80%, and 4 others with 42.5% (80-50/4), tell me again, how is this a 50% chance to win? The OUTCOME is fairly obvious, if you can’t play with a potential of at least 1 or 2 tiers higher, you’re done. That’s how the term “elo hell” was born, that’s how the “my teammates are newbs” exists (I don’t mean it’s always true, but sometimes it just is). No matter the angle you’re taking on this, it’s always going to be a “forced 50% win rate”, even if it looks like they’re trying to give you a 50% chance to win.

I can in fact confirm that there is no such thing as I have an 82% win rate on dps but a 40% win rate on support

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