Love the forced 50, 50 win rate

Yeah exactly!
there is no forced 50/50.
I reached Diamond for the first time this season in DPS. I’ve climbed from gold to diamond in support and open queue since I started playing. And in Tank I’ve climbed from gold to plat.

If I had a 50% winrate I would never climb at all yet these people will just tell you you’re lucky or something.

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They moan about smurfs but never realize the smurfs are better because of skill not luck. I could stomp a Silver game these days if given the chance (placements did for me this season for some freaking reason) whereas once upon a time that was way above me even. I got better and the game recognized it.


Why unlikely? It’s pretty simple to be honest.

People’s skills don’t grow overnight. It takes time, lot of time to improve.
When the skills exponentially grow overnight, it very often means they sold their account or something else (cheats, boost). It wouldn’t be too strange if a Company would automatically open an investigation ticket on the player. (some famous ones actually do that)

I never said there’s a 50% forced lost, at least not in competitive.
I think on OW it’s more reasonable to have 15% forced lost no matter how good you are, and a 35% of negative trend to win.

Reached this point, you simply need to assign a hidden carry-factor score to each player, and calculate which queue they should be assigned based on their win-rate: forced lost, negative trend, positive trend, forced win.

The aim is to make climb possible, but at the cost of burning time.

If your question is how to calculate the hidden score for each player, there’s plenty of data you can use per match.
I’d probably calculate the average per minute, and flag whoever had a low performance on consecutive matches for their specific rank.
Those flagged ones will then be used to drag down the ones who have carry-factor by causing a forced lost.

In fact, in your correct rank you get 50% of win-rate, because you will win all the favorable ones, and lose all the other ones.

If a player is able to outsmart the algorithm by winning an otherwise forced lost match, it’s not a big issue. You can just force him another forced lost match.
People may leave/disconnect, hard/soft throw, pick bad heroes, abuse meta, etc, so it’s not impossible.

OW queues take several minutes to be proceeded, which means many factors are calculated. (I think they also consider which maps and heroes they previously played)
Otherwise, the queue time would have been instant for tank and support players (and not 3+ minutes).

The skill of a player fluctates a lot, everyone has a different synergy with different teammates and sometimes osmeone gets toxic. You wanna tell me there is a system wich can predict all of this?

I dont see the context at all. Btw, you wanna say there is a 3 min tank q? On wich planet


To add to this: maps play a factor ie your bad McCree might be a great Junkrat but it’s Havana so they can’t really go Junk. They might shred Anubis next game though.

Add to this: fatigue, drunk et al status, tilt, internet, outside game distractions, and you’ll see how absurd such a claim is about forcing wins/losses.


I strongly agree with this thread. Here is more info on the subject of handicapping:

I’m not saying you’re wrong. I am saying there is no evidence of this.

On a single team is 1 person doing above their rank and 5 below? 5 above their rank 1 below? 2 above their rank 4 below?

Teams don’t only have 2 players on them.

Each of this stipulations people think the matchmaker goes through would add a lot more to the computations the matchmaker has to do

Blizzard has stated that your previous wins or losses aren’t actually factored in. They have a number they use for your skill and the matchmaker tries to make an even game.


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This is the classic Activision Blizzard one. Doesn’t relate to skill spesifically but to selling lootboxes/microtransactions - They patented this to use it.

Google amtchmaking patents activision i can’t include links.

Key words “Other” purposes and “enjoyment”…

People dont appreciate that AAA game companies are not there to make games. They are there to increase the price of stocks in stockmarket, then maybe make a profit and alot of it.

Matchmaking is there to make games and for AAA companies to influence the experience so a desired result is achieved. Look up “retention-based” matchmaking if you are interested. In competitive this it is PURE CORRUPTION of fairness and makes SR a joke.

All I saw were hack articles from “games journalists” saying nothing useful. There wasn’t even a full page of results.

If players view a game as unfair, they quit playing it. Almost all of OW’s complaints on teammates, smurfs, matchmaking, etc is explained simply by the Dunning-Kruger effect. Players feel time in = they should climb. It doesn’t. Improvement equates to climbing. Players would rather scapegoat than work at improving.

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Won 6 games on support healing like a mad man, then got 8 games

How to mitigate forced win/losing streaks has been covered in other posts. If you are consistently the top outlier on the way down, say all 8 games you are plat with mostly golds and silver teammates, then search the forum for detailed description what to do.

I can’t believe this is still a topic. Nobody is forcing you to stay in your rank except yourself.

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if you actually google the patent it shows up in searches - hack journalism or other. If you dont want to believe then anyone who reports is “hack”

It literally talks in game items which has no relation to Overwatch. Again, hack journalism.

“A system and method is provided that drives microtransactions in multiplayer video games. The system may include a microtransaction arrange matches to influence game-related purchases. For instance, the system may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player.“

Per the patent’s abstract.

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Yes and the patents (there are several) that are just for matchmaking including “other” in this matchmaking. “Other” being whatever priorities Activision Blizzard has. Wich is player retention and selling stuff. It would be naïve to think that they haven’t used them, even in Overwatch. The amount of threads on the forums about this topic should tell you something, and the utter silence from Blizzard regarding whatever else they include in MM should tell you more. It would be easy for them to say “nah, we dont include lootbox sales in our matchmaking” or “We don’t put people who have had a bad time on your team so you can carry them so they feel better”.

Fine for QP but not for Competitive where the matchmaking should be entirely neutral to the point of only grouping people with similar SR together and NOTHING ELSE.


The threshold match score may be defined based on a player input. For instance, the system may receive an indication that a first player wishes to wait for higher quality matches and an indication that a second player wishes to be matched (e.g., play) as soon as possible. The system may set a threshold match score that is higher for the first player than for the second player, and therefore potentially match the second player sooner (albeit in a potentially lower quality match).

From US20160001181A1 section 0012.

Says it right there, game creates some match based on some ADHD kids inability to wait and make whoever wants a good match it’s little female dog

This is fake this is called being hardstuck. The matchmaker doesn’t force a 50/50 winrate it forces a 50/50 chance which it should and if you are good enough you can give your team the edge on the game and win.


“We don’t include hotdogs in our matchmaker nor do we include eye color of the player.” The lack of stating something doesn’t mean anything. Blizzard quit speaking on MM due to players trying to abuse every, little advantage they knew as well as players quote mining their every word into an absurd distortion. Heck, a certain, massively commented on and link-spammed post here on the forums does just that.

Think of all the abuses players exhibit to trick the AFK timer among others. Now imagine what matchmaking would look like if players knew every, exact specification they can or cannot get away with. It’d be a mess. The worst ruin it for everyone as per usual.

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How do they sleep? Easily with all the redacted willing to shell their life savings into this game

Where does blizzard state this is the reason for not elborating on mmr? A completely neutral matchmaking system based only on SR would make it impossible to cheat anything but hey…
From Blizzards own patent matchmaking:

The threshold match score may be defined based on a player input. For instance, the system may receive an indication that a first player wishes to wait for higher quality matches and an indication that a second player wishes to be matched (e.g., play) as soon as possible. The system may set a threshold match score that is higher for the first player than for the second player, and therefore potentially match the second player sooner (albeit in a potentially lower quality match).

This is smoking gun evidence that they are planing or have been doing shady matchmaking already and it’s not unreasonable to think that overwatch is also subject to it. Same patent goes on to describe a system where (paraphrase) “A lower skill player having a bad time is match with a historically more winning player”… Wich is what I’ve been saying is happening in OW for YEARS.


If you’re better than your skill rating, you will climb. I ranked silver 2 seasons ago. took me a season to get to diamond, and another season to get to master. I played placements and placed master. Blizzard match making is fair imo


Or played the most! If I play Mercy (the hero I played the most) but then plays another support it feels throwing due to the game thinks I´m better than I´m!