Lost tank rating for DC while playing support

this cannot possibly be intended. I tried to reconnect, but it was at the very start of the match, so the game must have been dissolved.

I did few more games as a support and at some point I noticed, that I am missing rating from my tank rating as well. WTF?

This was a PTR thing that I am surprised wasn’t addressed. So basically if you queue for multiple roles, which you probably did and you get disconnected you lose SR for all the roles you queued as.

Actually I didn’t. I was done with tank for the day, so I queued for healer only. And I did pick a healer. After the crash I did a game of arcade, 1 comp as healer again or something like that, then when I was about to queue again, I noticed tank queue on a lower number than I left it.

Could be something else, though it’s damn easy to make the mistake of queuing as multiple roles. (Happened to me a couple of times).