Lost connection to server

Just to put this here for if anyone else had the same issue:

In junkestein expert. No internet issues, I didn’t lose packers or anything, or get the regular signs of bad internet (which I experience very, very rarely). My internet was completely fine during this error.

Just everything stopped except me, got the image of a disconnecting plug and got kicked out to the the log in screen.

Just want to know if it was just me. J feel bad for my randos…

Ok, it happened again. In the middle of the ghost challenge. I guess I have to stop playing today…

Again no internet issues on my end, i alt tabbed to check as it was happening. Just everything stopped and it disconnected. Seemed to try to reconnect in the main menu and them shoved me onto the log in screen.

Do you have a netgear router? I’m not sure if that’s still a problem or not.

No, just a bell router and modem plus a little bell pod that my desktop is plugged into.

Also it didn’t happen at all the day before.

that is really interesting. It might help to uninstall the game, reinstall it, and if that doesnt work id open a ticket.

Where do I open a ticket? Is it in the battle net launcher?

Im going to try to make a custom game in this mode to see if it happens there.

i think you just google “overwatch support ticket” or you can find it top right if you scroll all the way up

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Plot thickens? I went to custom game on the select screen and I got the error for a few seconds and then game minimized?

I do remember updating my computer yesterday…

Security intelligence update for microsoft defender antivirus… (1.325.745.0) and then apparently (1.325.803.0) today…

Also 2020-10 cumulative update for .NET framework 3.5 and 4.8 version 1909…

Ugh if this is windows messing with things, im going to be kicked out for the rest of this event, arent I…

Edit: was able to finish first custom game alone on normal

But then i did endless and got the disconnect error on wave 4. Everything stopped (didn’t get kicked to log in tho) took me out of my lobby)

This is really upsetting

Edit2: did not disconnect when I spent a while in target practice

wait was this an OFFICIAL antivirus put out by ms, or did you just install a random one off the internet?

Windows update, i didn’t pick it out, windows just asked for an update

oh alright. My guess is you got stuff open in your background thats lagging your machine. Or more likely, there is a game file that couldve been deleted which is not my first guess, but its possible. Uninstall an then reinstall and tell me how it goes.

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Ok, I’ve tried a scan and repair. No repair needed. I’m going to try the IP release and also a quick scan with windows defender while I have a junk game running to see if it’s causing the issue.

Could you try uninstalling and reinstaling the game. 99% of the time that fixes the issue.

I’m almost sure it’s a windows issue now. Although it seems windows defender scans happen often with no effect so now I’m not sure if it is causing it.

I did another endless solo mode and got kicked at wave 9, but was actually put back into the game after going to custom menu and was able to complete the game. It seems to happen 10 minutes into the game?

Just released/renewed my ip and flushed my dns
Disconnected after a minute of playing junkenstein in workshop straight to log in screen

Ill try reinstalling after I do one more test

thats really weird. let me know when your done

Reinstalling now.

Trying to send a ticket but I got an “temporary error try again later”…

I am almost sure this is a windows background tast happening every 40 ish minutes because if I DC and immediately start a new game I don’t have an issue for ~40 minutes?

ugh now the submit buttons stays greyed out and I have all the required fields

sent it


Well you were right (hopefully), played for an hour on custom junk and I didnt dc. Sort of irritating that reinstall is the only way to fix this issue.

Ill try again tonight on a junk server and I really really hope it wont kick me.

So tentative solved but we’ll wait and see.