Lost 44 points in 3280 match

Didn’t leave, didn’t DC. Was playing Moira starting on attack. Had a throwing Bastion and Torb the entire game.

Zen and I pretty much tied with gold/silver damage, even after 11 minutes.
Finished with 6.5k damage silver, Zen finish gold damage. I finished with 33 elims, 20 something Obj. kills and 12k healing. Get punished 44 points because of throwers and I still performed very well.

Seriously? 44 points? That’s almost as much as I would’ve lost by just leaving. Is this how the game is suppose to work? Is this correct? is this actually a thing, where EVERYONE gets punished if 1-2 people purposely do poorly?

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Exactly my point when trying to argue with ppl about the whole you are where you are meant to be thing. If your SR is determind not by your performance but by 5 other players how can it be fair? Try your hardest but get a troll GG because your losing SR no matter what


Not saying it’s correct, just one of the ways it could have worked out that way. If your team at the beginning of the match was 100+ (seen a difference of 150+ before) points average SR higher than the other team, you were more likely forecasted to win. A loss would hit all of you harder, and yes, just based on the 2 poor performers because you were supposed to win regardless.

Another option is if you took a break for a few seasons. When you come back and place, your SR could be more fluid and can fluctuate for the first 20 games or so.

And! yeah, your SR is not performance based in diamond and above so even if you performed well that wouldn’t matter. It’s more likely attributed to their SR ranking kinks.

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Assuming you are posting from the account in question, performance is not the issue, as performance is not taken into account in diamond.

Did you recently return from a long break? If yes, realize that your SR motion will be more volatile for a bit. It will calm down soon.

There is a rare (<1% of games) bug that can cause very small gains or very large losses.

See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 11) for a more general explainer.

Didn’t they take out performance based SR at those ranks? might be something else at play here.

On Diamond it’s only possible to drop that hard on losing by either:

  • Your actual hidden MMR is way lower than what your SR is, or
  • You’re stacking with lower SR friends (and therefore lowering group SR)
  • You’re suffering huge losing streak to the point you lose 44 SR.

In my case I lost 30 SR+ one time due to playing with a lot of 2500s

I’m a consistant high diamond player, with a career high S10 in low Master.

I don’t have friends in this game.
Edit: I have an alt account for this I have fun by 1 tricking Doomfist. Funny thing is, I accidentally hit low diamond with that account today.

It was my 2nd round of the day

No, I’ve never taken a long breakfrom Overwatch since BETA. Longest I went without playing is 2 months in Season 6.

Again, no. I’ve played every single season.

Well, i lost 300 SR during my placements!

And this is exactly what happens when you take out the personal performance factor. Suddenly, everyone is on a level playing field and you have no personal control over your own personal rating.

But hey, let’s take it out for all the remaining ranks, right? That’ll make it easier to prevent your team from keeping you down so you can climb to where you belong!

Anyways, about the actual OP, what was your enemy’s average SR compared to your own team’s? If yours was significantly higher, or your team was percieved to have an advantage in any other way, when you lose to the underdog, the system hits you hard.

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You are where you’re meant to be. Just because you cite 1 or 2 games as an example does not change that fact. This is what happens when schools let just anyone graduate even though they lack a 6th graders understanding of basic statistics. It’s called SAMPLE SIZE. So tragic.

Yes the world is perfect the system is not flawed and you arent a half wit with a micro d***.

it’s not determined by your performance in that particular game. Losing SR is based on your MMR not matching your SR. if he’s losing 44 in a game it’s because he’s either been on a loss streak or not winning against players that he should be winning against with that rating.

him losing that game of course matters, but it’s the consistently losing games that he is supposed to be able to carry that makes him lose 44 points.

Overwatch goes out of its way to make sure you have your easy wins if you are on a losing streak, if you keep losing games despite being favored based on your MMR, then of course your MMR is going to drop

Did you happen to have a leaver in a game previous to the one you’re describing here? And did you leave after the timer ran out? You get punished for that, even if the text in the box says you won’t.

The system is not flawed just because you expect to be higher. The world does not revolve around your bloated expectations. Once again, look up sample size, study up on 6th grade statistics, and you should be able to figure out where you went wrong. Are you beginning to grasp the shallowness of your thinking that led to your stupid and useless conclusion? (good book quote there)

My guess is this guy was grouped up with plats in a 2600 hundred game, thats why he lost so many. That’s probably what he’s not telling us. He was probably in a group with this zen he’s talking about who was plat thinking he could carry him.

I only solo queue, so no. Overall it was pretty close matchup around 3280, I think the overall team SR had a difference of 5 or 10 SR

My exectations for my rank arent as high as your own inflated sense of self worth. For your information I dont care about ranking up it gives me something to aim for. But please explain this you cretin, the game I had a leaver yesterday and lost 20 Sr then the game we had a Torb/genji duo in the spawn all match and lost 23 sr. Thats 43 sr lost through no fault of my own so I should be atleast 43 sr higher than I am(not to mention if it was a fair match and possibly may have won and got more sr) does that sound like a good system? Its based of chess MMR however when a chess master plays , if some 12 yr old ran up and threw his pieces in a nearby field. Wpuld his rank be affected by the actions of the moronic 12 yr old?

yeah overwatch doesn’t punish leavers harshly enough because too many people in the community think that they shouldn’t be punished harshly when they are forced to leave the game for important real life issues.

I think leavers should leave to deal with important real life issues…and they should be punished harshly so they try to arrange their life so it doesn’t happen. I’ve seen people just playing during work and then when they get caught they abandon the game. They only take a measly double SR damage for losing, so they don’t care at all.

it needs to be a minimum of 4 games worth of SR if you want people to take leaving seriously.

as for bad players playing off meta comps, that stinks, but it’s not any worse than the game’s poor design to begin with.

I always dream of a game where you actually have separate MMR for each champion you play and queue based on champion instead of just joining the game and playing whatever you feel like.

I can win 3-4 games playing my main and then immediately go into ranked and play mei that I have 1 ranked game ever on, and my team has no choice but just to lose MMR and points