Losing Streak Twice

Any suggestions on what to do when you hit a losing streak. I’ve tried self-eval, swapping heroes, changing tactics, positive feedback to team, negative, nothing seems to work. Twice now I have lost 200 SR on tank and support. Just log and come back later?

Just concentrate on improving your own skill and game sense. Other then that there isnt much you can do.

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Play other modes to reset your mentality. If you get upset enough to post to the forums asking for advice then you’re already tilted beyond belief.

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What’s funny is I have been really calm about the situation. Maybe because it is out of my hands for the most part.

Watch replays, skip to about the time you die and view in 3rd person. It’s helped me with situational awareness a ton and has contributed significantly to me being able to jump from low silver to mid-gold.

Basically if I die, I blame myself for either being out of position or yoloing when I shouldn’t have. Point captured? I’m probably to blame, how do I improve next time? Replays give the answers.

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If sr & rank are super important, stop playing after 2 losses.
Come back after 1hr or next day.
Go do something else.
Reset your brain.
Walk away.
More losses means more tilt which mean more losses

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Not super important, but the games feel better than the bronze matches.