Los Angeles Gladiators vs. Vancouver Titans - FINAL

I think they could flash a end card at the end, like they did for the Q&As last season, and leave a link somewhere

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Is that on the playoverwatch account?

“Fan favorite King’s Row”

Is it really? That’s one of my least favorite maps, personally.

There’s multiple channels…play overwatch has a stream and owl have a stream as well…so far the owl stream has a LOT More people going to it

Why’s that?

Majority of players love KR. It’s just a fun map.

To me its 2nd favorite after Eichenwalde

Eek. My Glads pick not looking so hot here.

They probably piggybacked on PlayOverwatch just to make sure people knew it was on YouTube. More people probably follow and have notifications turned on the PlayOverwatch channel than the Overwatch League channel.


Huge Sleep on the Moira.

King’s Row is definitely one of the most liked maps.

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Come on, Titans. Let’s not slip up on the first day of a new season, please…

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After Map 1


WATCH LIVE: YouTubeOverwatch League

Literally every single “Favorite map?” poll done KR wins in a landslide.

King’s Row is well known for being balanced enough to support nearly every popular team composition ranging from Sniper comps to GOATs.


The only thing i dont like in it is to defend after the payload is captured. You spawn at the end of the map and you have little options for shortcuts.

remember when the titans were goats one tricks?

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Kings Row is to Overwatch like Nagrand Arena is to WoW Arena PvP…in that a lot of comps can be viable on that one map (and that was a reputation it had even before role queue was even introduced).

Really, the Hybrid maps are by far my favorites…Control, not so much.

Uhhmmm how did dva’s nerf bounce like that from mei wall???

Plz explain someone.

The only reason I supported role queue was that it finally made the Titans mortal and it finally allowed the Justice to win finally…other than that, I’ve considered role queue to be Overwatch’s death warrant (and the fact they introduced Overwatch 2 pretty much confirms that role queue signed OG’s death warrant).

But that’s banter for another thread, though…and banter for when I want to take my permaban from these forums.