Lore theory about Brigitte

Brigitte one of my favorites due to having a female version backstory of tf2 scout, I have a theory on what could happen to her in the lore.
Brigitte was Reinhardt’s squire, therefore she would be taught everything. Maybe when Brigitte is in her mid 20s or early 30s, she might bring back the Crusaders which Reinhardt once fought alongside. Do you think this might be possible. Maybe she will also get crusader armor and a hammer a huge shield. Not saying this will happen in game, just saying it might happen in Brigitte’s future.

It’s possible; Brigitte did not favour Overwatch but the Crusaders could be a way to form a team around it and still allow her to defend others. But with the Omnic Crisis passed, should another threat arise for her be in the Crusaders? And despite previous leader, General Balderich von Adler being deceased, I’m not sure if the Crusaders have ended; it seems like an order that has withstood the tests of time (being a Knight’s order and quite medieval). :thinking:

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Yeah, Brigitte doesn’t care for OW she is only there for Reinhardt. I think it would be cool if she did. I love Brigitte as well and I am curious about what Sombra was saying about Rein to her…