Looking for team / community

I come here as a last resort, i’ve been searching for a team or people to play with for ridiculous amounts of time now. I was just recently kicked from a community for being under 18 which severed my connections with the fledged teams there

I’m a diamond ranked main tank with the dream of eventually playing for the united kingdom in the world cup finals.

I play rein the best and am close to his skill ceiling. i can also play orisa well depending on the location, which i will judge when needed

I’m comfortable playing as a shot caller and spearheading fights, or can easily sit back and play defensively, I’m not toxic and really have a lot of passion towards overwatch pouring countless hours into comp to not get higher sr but to improve

But what’s a rein without his team? not much really. i normally play solo but getting off combos (EMPshatter) never works because of the lack of communication in and around my rank.

I’m looking for Diamond to masters players to climb with and have fun! any coaches are also encouraged to add me so i can improve as much as possible.

Discord: Spike#2994