Looking for QP Chillers / Comp Grinders

Hey there!

I am looking for players in the east coast. I mostly play QP but I sometimes play comp as well. I can play almost all heroes so I flex a lot of times. My age is over 30 if that is relevant so I am looking for mature and non toxic teammates. I love this game and play to relax not to stress out.

Feel free to add me



Beast#1366 feel free to add me I play west coast NA

I have sent a request!

Hi I’m interested! I mostly play in the evenings but sometimes I have a little window around noon central time. I flex but prefer heals/dps or off tank (more fun to play). Also over 30’s if that matters to you. You didn’t mention skill rank but I need a qp buddy to take breaks from comp. I’ll add you tonight using above tag, mine is Avellen#1350