Looking for people to play with (comp or QP)

Hello! I have no idea if this is the place to post this, if not I apologize profusely, and I would very much appreciate it if someone would please send me to the right place.

I am looking for people to play Overwatch with. Unfortunately, due to consistently finding people in game who either don’t want to play with me over a long stretch of time or just don’t like me/my personality (completely understandable, some people don’t mesh), if you’re looking for someone to play with (ranked or comp, but I’d like to put a team together for comp) then I’d like to get to know a little about you, as well as give you a little about myself.

To be a bit upfront, I get really frustrated while playing this game and I do not hesitate to mention it. I can get really pissed off. I don’t get pissed at my group, just either certain game mechanics or specific enemies/characters that keep agitating me one way or another. I am a bit toxic, and I have tried working on it but I acknowledge that is partly why people don’t entirely enjoy playing with me. I figured I’d mention that upfront, so people know what they’re getting into. I do however like to think I am a decent person overall while I’m not playing this game. In that regard, I’m almost looking for a new friend who also likes to play Overwatch more than I’m looking for just someone to play only Overwatch with.

Hugely into OWL, I would like to have watch parties setup in my Discord server, but not many people in that little group are interested.

I rank pretty low, usually high silver/low gold (yea, yea, I know), main Junkrat mostly, Hanzo is my choice of sniper (prefer not to play if I don’t have to), Mercy/Moira are my go-to healers (depending on situation), and I am an absolutely awful tank so I try to avoid them.

DM me if you’d like to setup some QP matches and see if we’re a good fit!

You might have better luck over there.