Looking for Fun & Chill People

Hey. Just got back into playing OW again. Mostly been a DPS player, primarily Sym, but been trying out tank again and Rein.

Down for QP, but could do some ranked, but since it’s been so long I’m prob only at a bronze/silver level for Tank, DPS, or Support

But I’m mostly looking to have some people to play OW with who are non-toxic and don’t get too sweaty. I don’t mind talking strats and such, but don’t take it over the top level.


No problem. My username is SilverMedian#1928

i mostly play qp and i play mercy- ufo#11962


FOrgot to mention my battlenet is protector6#1455

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Add me, my friends don’t play OW as much anymore. ProxC#11169

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i mostly play dps but cozy#11599 , been needing teamates

I’d love to join, Spade48#1283

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man, we’re in the same boat :’) would love to play n chill while only sweating minimally 🥲