Looking for friends to play with, read me :)

Hey all, I’m pretty bummed with OW lately due to the lack of people to team with so to remedy this, I’m looking for some chill people around 2300-2500 to play with, nothing super serious but I’m getting super tired of all the toxicity in the community and people throwing games when they lose one team fight because “the dps are bad…” :roll_eyes:
If you would like to play, a DM on Twitter would prob be the best way to get ahold of me :slight_smile: @Casual2k
Thank you guys :slight_smile:

I feel you!Im mostly main support but can flex every role pretty good add me if you want! Gothique#21243 Just know that im not a tryhard and mostly wanna have fun but also play alot of competitive :smiley:

GETTING back to comp lately, been too long since I played, with the addiction of Ashe in the game and the Brig nerf I feel like it’s something that I can devote into again. Would play mostly tank, with a little support