Looking for EU Diamond competitive players

I’m a flex , queue for everything, ana main (most played) looking for more serious players that are open / friendly when it comes to dealing with other people. It’s often hard for me to really speak up to people that are in my opinion playing bad. But I really enjoy shotcalling to people who are willing to listen. I’m not the best player, that’s why I’m in diamond every season. But I’ve made it to masters in soloqueue once and I often get good teammate commendations. I hope to find more friendly people to get back into the game, since I don’t really play a lot because of the hit-and-miss with teammates I can’t choose. So I’d like to try and actually pick my teammates this time. Preferrably diamond-masters players. High platinum is a maybe. Also only Europian people for ping reasons. It’s annoying enough getting disconnected when getting matched with russians in the middle of the night.
Sorry for the long text
Edit: My profile is public as far as I know, so feel free to inspect me

Hey Im mostly support main ( 3200sr ) and I play normally late at night . Im trying to get myself play more comp but solo q is kinda risky. If ya wanna duo hit me up my battlenet is Emerex#2536.