Looking for casual play

Hey been playing overwatch off and on the past year. I main tank, predominantly Orisa. I am halfway decent. Looking for a steady team to play with at nights est time. Also a patient group. I am willing to listen and learn. I do play competitive sometimes but would rather play with a team I can get comfortable with.

I can also play support although I will only play Mercy when I’m support

Hey there I’m a Support main and would love to play.
BN - CJay#11675

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cool i sent a friend request

I’ve been playing on and off too. I play all roles with preference to support roles. My mains are D.va, Zarya, Tracer, Pharah, Ana, Mercy. How late do you play? I don’t usually get home till 10:30pm PST on weekdays.

Hey, I play with a discord group casually Monday’s and Wednesdays 9:30 EST. If you are interested give a shout

Discord: XVoltonX#9238

PrinceAli#1740 bnet

I’m silver/gold is most my rankings now but I just started playing. Hoping to climb to 3000 or so this season. That’s my goal!