Looking for a friendly blue beam!

I’m a hitscan main ideally looking for a Mercy player (bonus points if you can flex to other characters) interested in playing casually and moving to ranked games if we mesh together well.

Hit me up uwu.

Hey add me, I can play most supports except bap/brig. Also depending on the rank ofc. I am not a mercy main tho, I can maybe pocket only if we “mesh together well” :sweat_smile:

add me i do whatever dsnutz#1602

What server do you get queued into?

(I’m an Aussie). Anything above 80MS PING is awful…

Hi! I don’t really comp anymore but I’d love to add and play with you sometime! I am a support flex but I primarily play mercy. I normally do either QP, QPC, or TDM nowadays. I default in west coast but I can play in any timezone.

My stats if you’re curious is 3k-3.4K (again i don’t really comp anymore lol) with a peak of 3.9k.