Looking for a coach ,Please help

Im looking for a coach that would spectate my game and tell me what to improve on and some tips,Im looking for a coach because Im not sure I should be in silver

Hey I would love to help!

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Hello :slight_smile:

I climbed myself as DPS from Bronze to high plat.
Currently somewhere in low-mid gold with my Heal/Tank/Trash DPS account.
(Playing my worst heroes, to increase my pool)

If you’re interested I would love to try and help players which are willing to improve.

(How did I climb?)
I was Bronze Season 1 and i knew 6 years WoW and 0 FPS will be a hit into the face, but srsly as bad as my team and oponents? Noo way. So I improved a lot through QP.

So I could offer you to play with you. (I will not carry anything don’t worry unless it’s obvious that the enemy has a smurf Tryharding for the sake then i might handly him :wink: Far is fair)

Or I could watch you and play with you on my other Account (high plat) where we could play QP and you would face better opponents but gain better teammates. (Really nice if you try Support or Tank, its a nightmare without teamwork)

Just writte me a reply if you’re interessted.

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Sorry for taking so long :smiley: I added u ,hopefully you dont mind me taking so long It honestly my fault I just forgot about it because I knew no one would help a bad player like me but I came here just to see 20 days later ,anyways if you still can I would not mind you coaching me
(I added you but if it doesn’t work here is my battle tag: JazuKnight#2709

im so sorry i have been busy i sent you a request!


here is my overebuff