London Spitfire vs. Shanghai Dragons

Still not getting drops ;-;

Muh skins


After Map 1



So you are not getting any notifications in Twitch?

None at all, checked ingame as well, nothing. I also checked to see if I needed to do the canada eligibility test, that’s not up either. Not sure what it could be.

Assuming you are watching Twitch on your desktop computer Is your full BattleTag displaying to the right of the words “League Info” and below the channel share button?

Thank gawd no Freekill now… they might win this map.

Yep. Full battletag. It’s at 2 hours for last notif now, I just checked to make sure I didn’t miss them since they merged.

Look at your Twitch username in top right corner of the webpage, is the little dot green and says “watching OverwatchLeague”

Just realised I didn’t have it linked…2 full stages in
Stupidity is not a right

Ok that may be the issue, just says online. I’m going to try and reload the page.

Edit: It logged me out D:

That would be it. Also type something into chat.

It logged me out of twitch D: I never told it to do that, but I guess that was the issue. Rip tokens.

At least you will start earning now.

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i wish i had mario kart 8 deluxe for my switch rn because id rather be playing that than watching this

Wyoming just put the overall score 4-0 now okay? lol

I think it logged me out after the halftime, no idea why. That’s so weird…

I am doing my usual rotine and answer tech support forum queries.

it’s liek watching pros vs. kids

I’d be more willing to say they should have the British Hurricane have a crack at these guys…

I have lost interest, it’s just too depressing to watch this, ima go play Overwatch myself. Practice some Brigitte.