London Spitfire vs. Shanghai Dragons - FINAL

One thing that was discussed a lot was no Lucio speedboost to follow through with picks, to speedboost in and make sure the fight was won once you got one pick. EMP not having any follow through is one of the most powerful ults in the game wasted.
Which is usually a moment where you can get boomed by your own misuse of the ultimate. If they had a Lucio to speedboost in after using EMP, they would have easily collapsed on the enemy team and demolished them. Which has been proven to usually be very effective.
But then you will not be able to use Echo probably, since you have no armor packs to save her from hitscans, because no way you would run Brig/Lucio unless they buff either one of them on their radius or healing output. But then why would you use both together if one was buffed? That is the flaw of Brig and Lucio… they were powerful together in Goats, but now they seem to be rather useless together, even with deathball comps like double shield and reaper/mei.

Anyways, good night all, sleep well.