London Spitfire vs. Shanghai Dragons - FINAL

I just thought of something, if we pretend that Pixie and Avrl are both protoss, their voices in this broadcast will make perfect sense.

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Volskaya game 3!!! What’ll we get next??? Watchpoint: Gibraltar???

We did have Anubis too… lol

Wait did BOB Interrupt the EMP!? Now I have seen it all.

Nope, just a Brigitte Bash.

Lip just gave it away… what was that positioning… that EMP was not going off in front of a Brig.

EDIT: Oh it was Bob… wut.

LeeJaeGon is now LeeJaeGone.

Nope not Bob, Brig got the stun. Though theoretically a BOB could stun out an EMP if the timing is right as you are severely knocked if you are in his running path.

Oh so I was right, using EMP right in front of a Brig at a pro level is just stupid in all honesty… Lip needs to be subbed out.

Very winnable for London.

Nope, you haven’t. The moment you think you did, you’re proven wrong.

Why? Cos the Internet is full of many wonders…and dangers.

After Map 3


WATCH LIVE: Overwatch League (Tokens Enabled Here!)

Imagine if Shanghai gets knocked out right here by London. Who becomes the next favorite for the Asian May Melee? Guangzhou? New York?

Honestly disappointed in Dragons playing like this… where are they getting these stupid strats from suddenly? Why don’t they use what actually is proven to work.

Scrims. If the dragons were effective with it in scrims, they would run it in OWL.

Charge 100%, I have liked them since they were probably the strongest looking in early 2019, until they lost to Titans, and then it all seemed to fall apart. Back then though, they were seemingly going to be one of the dominating teams. They are looking far better this year though.

That is honestly my problem, just because it works against one team, doesn’t mean it will work against another. They do not scrim against the team they will play.

Pixie calling out the Brenshow.

Not sure you want to anger the beasts.

Wow! It’s almost like Watchpoint: Gibraltar is a well designed map!

That was not a C9, London cleaned up the current players on the cart just long enough to stop it.