London Spitfire vs. San Francisco Shock | Playoffs Loser Bracket | FINAL

oh i can already see the bastion is OP threads…

Well, at least on numbani
I don’t know about any other maps tho…
Unless its junkertown

BTW Bastion is too OP can we have a nerf

Bastion is just Bastion right now. The problem is still the double shields and Bastion is one of the few heroes that can quickly break those shields.

I still think this would be a very different meta if Sigma had a small 1 second cooldown between recall and deploy of his shield.

I think that sombra would be a better counter if her hack removed orisa’s sheild as well as sigmas, because it would be more consistant and sombra would have a use again

If that is the case it should erase Winston shield too…
I think devs arent seeing they made Sigma all -in -one tank and not a main tank…

Sigma just has too high damage to be a main tank, and has a shield so he cant be an off tank


I don’t agree with those separations at all. If a Shield made a MT then Zarya would be and Ham would not

That was a first hand example of why I think Sym is the partner Bastion needs. She adds mobility he otherwise doesn’t have, and the team in general doesn’t have when Baptiste is in play

Lets go Shock
I want Shock vs Reign in the Finals

Shock just dominated that
And I mean, you could say no one was shock-ed
Please dont devour my soul Jeff

Seriously, it was disgusting

Heres the sub train, they wanta test some players?

Shock just activated the B team. If London loses this one…

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Yeah, shock is gonna just give these guys a try, then thrash spitfire next round

They didn’t just take our lives, they took our honour as well - London Spitfire

They took everything from me…

I need to call 911 to report a murder.

Can shock please not do this to london…
I’m a shock fan, and even this is brutal

They killed London and are now playing with their corpse