London Spitfire vs. Paris Eternal - NOW LIVE

washington and vancouver havent played yet

Highly doubt any French philosopher said that. Not enough 'e’s, and where are the accents??

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Kr outdated
Na overrated
Long have we waited

sad Stylosa

They didn’t look too good last season either. They were good in double sniper, but that seemed to be the only good meta for them.


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When Zarya damage nerf? Because being able to keep infinite charge level between every fight and go back to max with one bubble is stupidly OP levels of dps coming out of a tank. And the stats in overbuff prove it.

Slower charge decay was a huge mistake. This is the reason why goats doesnt need dps characters. Zarya melts everything by herself.

Well deserved MVP. He was a star in the world cup and deserves some spotlight.

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This match should be the proof that OWL needs import rules like LoL has.

More regions deserve a chance to show their power. Koreans are overrated.

The new Leicester City… (for those of you who watch soccer/footie).

Surprised to see London this flat. Look for them to do a lot of work between now and next week.

Oh that tastes so sweet. The UK player gets MVP against London


That’s right, forgot about that. Vancouver is not much of a match so I have a feeling that will be a win for them. the next one could be a tough match.

That’s what happen when you only get Korean. Your own talent destroy you.

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Damn, I’m hella happy that of how well Paris did. Sure, Spitfire was not in it’s best shape, but still, good showing for a first match.

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For those that don’t know, Kruise was a well known Genji that swapped to support. His Lucio can still frag out.

Now, time to see the self proclaimed genius coach against the star players.

This is truely an anime, but I don’t know who the vilain is yet :mag_right:

London 0-2 LUL !!!

Yeah mercato was the most of contender’s lvl player with Soon to boost and obviously he is the leader of the team.

To be fair they had a tough week. Both Fusion and Paris have very good players and are expected to be in the top 5.