London Spitfire vs. Paris Eternal - FINAL

Well that was something.

I tried last night, but it kept getting covered with Cheeze It adds.


paris was CLEAN on nepal

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Regardless of this destruction of London, I’m still not willing to believe Paris is actually even a .500 team. I’ll eat my words if I’m wrong EOS. :man_shrugging:t2:

did you see the mei wall on top of a mei wall

Ooo Sigma being played. Interesting.

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oh cool sigma is still alive in owl

its as if a reddit lucio was good LUL

i saw that and I squeed.

double shield looks to be dead , they pulled that card and it didn’t work

There was a lot of Rein/Orisa play last night.

i saw more dva rein than orisa.
i dont think i never not saw a rein on either team.

There was a lot of Rein/Orisa play last night, and Rein was pretty much a staple yesterday across the board…

That part is true…there was a lot more dva rein. But orisa was a staple for one of the teams yesterday…so double shield, while less prevalent, is not dead…not by a long shot.

there was some winston over rein but not much

Wow I really like the new roster of Paris it’s better overall and XZI this killer.

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xzi is CRACKED

he was doing bad yesterday but today he is getting kills with his ult. I just saw the 4 crunches he got.

He’s been baller on these mid-range heroes (McCree, Symm). Really smart positioning.

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Paris is just killing it right now.

did paris win kings row? i went to get a snack