London Spitfire vs. New York Excelsior - FINAL

goats isnt dead :pensive:

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We all spoke too soon. #depressing

Certain maps (and sometimes just certain points) are incredibly good for GOATs.

I don’t see that changing for a long time, and I don’t see anything wrong with having the brawly GOATs v GOATs matches as long as we see a lot more DPS overall (as we have during this match, overall).

Tracer shows her face, instant Brig pick, both teams then mirror match GOATs.

It was actually kinda entertaining before that happened.

Stage 4 when 2-2-2 is locked.

Specifically certain modes… KOTH/Control is just so GOATS centric… in format where you want heavy bodies and heals to hold a central point that doesn’t move it’s hard to find room for other things besides clutch Sombra / Pharah picks on certain ones.


I am ok with this level GOATS can be fun to watch. Problem is when its all GOATS. I think this is a good mix. Specially if next round we don’t see GOATS

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I can… agree in time. I think if other modes have more variety then GOATS on Control wouldn’t be that big of a deal. It’s just that we’ve watched so much GOATS for so long, the second people see it they are like “meh!”.

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What a turnaround.

NYXL showing that trademark patience.

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boooo. I cannot stand when NYXL wins a close match.

NYXL is love.

NYXL is life.

didnt like that last fury dva bomb…threw it early for a cheeky pick i guess but they couldve used it in that fight…

A great match in all respects. I may be a London fan, but this is a loss I can take… for now.

Final Score/Tiebreaker


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Nenne is an amazing dps but he is not at Pine level when it comes to Widow and McCree