London Spitfire vs. Houston Outlaws - FINAL

Widow + Doom DPS combo.

Why not. lol

Edit: Fail. :sweat_smile:

After Map 1


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chengdu also proved you dont need a mirror comp to win. remember when ameng constantly ran ball because its what hes best at?

Muma be getting hate in chat

I’m going to make a bold prediction and say that London will win this.

I know, I just find Shanghai the better of the two, since they won Stage 3, crushing Goats on the last game it would exist in OWL.

There is some truth to that, but MonteCristo who casted a Chengdu Match last season said one of the most important things about the metagame:

I think to run crazy strats, you really have to be talented at that specific strat. As a Chengdu fan, I can say most of their wins are because the players on Chengdu are used to crazy strats and are highly mechanically skilled (From Ameng all the way to Yveltal). Which is why Chengdu lost more than they won in 2019 season because at some point, other teams simply figured out their trick and played better meta to defeat them. Also, Chengdu had a really good coach.


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bold of you to assume id ever listen to anything monte ever has to say

A team who knows one comp incredibly well is better than a team who knows many comps but plays them badly.

Yeah Shanghai did it better with Doomfist, Pharah and Reaper(?), which were more tanky DPS, and more likely to survive longer and deal a lot of damage. They had more sustain then what Chengdu was trying to use.

Damn Muma that was a bronze shatter, yikes.

Also, Chinese teams are more willing to try out crazy strats. Which reminds me I can’t wait for Week 9 to see debut of Chinese teams. I really hope they go beyond meta and give us entertaining matches. McCree+Mei is becoming boring honestly.

Another way of looking at it is what composition with the current hero balance gets the most value? Unless one’s player’s can play different heroes at an significantly higher level than the meta comp, playing different heroes won’t deliver on a better ultimate economy or more team fights won.

This is why GOATS took forever to be rid of, and why Mei is still a go to pick nerf and nerf.

Hero pools will directly help with this.

Yeah that is true, it’s just disgusting how we always need to see mirrors… Like Outlaws right now has a fantastic team for dive, but dive is not valid, which sucks.

i mean by that point we’ll have hero pools in owl so

houston showing signs of life near the end of blizz world. linkzr should just start on widow from now on

Wow London turned that around hard, that was a goats moment.

Lol… London got punished hard for trying to spawn camp