London Spitfire vs. Hangzhou Spark - NOW LIVE

I think it’s more just waiting for Sideshow to get to the US.

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Linkzr did play some brig I think, but he also played some hitscan. He got to do Linkzr things.

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yea, Bren is all alone there, he has noone to argue with and Hex is no match :smiley:

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Actually. I think I was thinking of last week. I don’t think Linkzr played vs Spark.

But Houston had a good Sombra Goats.

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Gonna play a bunch of Zenyatta in FFA after these games. I need to watch some non-JJonak Zen POV. (I’m not going to use JJonak’s sens lol)

This NYXL video package just makes me wish they would trade Ark. He speaks english and they aren’t using him.

Bless SBB refusing to be baited into saying anything other than expecting it to be harder this year

To this day I still can’t see the PogChamp emote as anything but Gootecks being himself.

Same for me and WutFace. That is just disgusted Goldenboy to me

So do we think Hero 30 announcement Tuesday and PTR Friday?

Bren…Bren. Tanner from high school is a dead meme me laddie

Good evening folks! :sunglasses:

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Either that or the next week.

wh… what time is it for you…?


3PM EST…probably should’ve said afternoon. :upside_down_face:

i think its a good sign london doesnt have birdring on the starting lineup

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Use Pharmercy you cowards!

Gesture looks like he had his coffee today.