London Spitfire vs. Florida Mayhem - FINAL

I’m told that’s how the Pros play against a PhaMercy. Ignore them and try to win the ground battle while eating rockets from above.

And that’s the first C9 of the match…and that’s the first snowman’s head to go flying!

TP to the window! Symm for the save. xD

Yo. A clutch Symmetra play! And not even just “oh that was nice taxi.” But like Symmetra herself being clutch.

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yaki was literally boosted and spent the whole time punching jmac…which did nothing


Yaki, what was that? Just reload. He kept trying to punch Reinhardt until he died.


Look sometimes their health is soooo low and you panic. It happens to everyone. I am not projecting anything about my last match at all. Okay? I’m just saying it happens. Reloads can be very inconvenient. :triumph:


After Map 2


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That Malik in the background… lurking.

Malik: Soon…very soon…

Anyway, looking forward to watching the matches in further detail once the VODs are available on YouTube on Tuesday…

By the way, I have some player rankings for you guys to chew on in the next thread, if you don’t want to watch the Outlaws intros…

Solid cap indeed on that last point from the mayhem.

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That Nanoboost on Doomfist was sick.

I think Spitfire got this now…

Wow! spoke too soon. BQB clutching it out. Absolutely mad

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florida at match point :eyes:

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Wow these 2 teams are doing it down to the wire.

#LightItUP #BringTheMayhem


Yeah. I thought Spitfire had at least the draw there. And then BQB just went insane.

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I think Florida has stepped its game up from last season. Or other teams have gotten worse.


Damn Gargoyle is a beast. He had Glister occupied, and I think even Krillin? So that is 2 vital members of Spitfire just doing nothing.