London Spitfire vs. Florida Mayhem - FINAL

Depends on where you live in America. In America, 100Mbps is becoming standard.

It’s the Ping that’s the issue. America is very big.

wow, McMayhems are puhing payload like theres no resistance, it just rolls in

ah, k, its spitfire last stand now :smiley:

Maybe they oiled the wheels at halftime.

Most companies that utilize internet services for their products put servers on the west and the east coast to deal with that though.

And then you have Trill being an absolute Gigachad on garbage Aussie internet, at 300+ ping playing on US East coast servers

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I was watching KarQ doing crazy Ana stuff on 150ms the other day. There was only one issue he had where a sleep didn’t register on a nano genji, but it was close.

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yea that was only bump they had to get over and now i am very curious how will tehy be able to hold spitifre

Speaking of canadians, when we getting a Mangachu signing? :rage:

Damn it, one word about Koreans and their gamesense, one wayward insane MAGAt, one errant internet connection…and this thread gets ruined.

Better luck next match thread, boys…hopefully the mods get a hold of the situation on the forums and start handing out forum vacations…

Florida busting out the 2-2-2 comp.

Anyone else have that elementary itch when a hero is about to die to pop out their ultimate to stay alive? Maybe I play too much mystery heroes.

Meh, I had a couple paragraphs typed up, but I’ll just chalk it up to us having different fundamental views of sports.

I’m really not sure why London of all teams are so enamoured with playing GOATS still. especially with the 6 they’re currently playing. They looked pretty bad all Stage 1 on it, not running Guard means they have to give up the Zarya to play Sombra, and Birdring looks terrible on Brig. Plus Gesture isn’t exactly known as a Rein main.

London SHOULD be one of the teams doing the most experimenting, not the least

very clever swaps by spitfire

Wow that Fury dive and then syke! Felt like a roller coaster! Anyone else sea sick?

They made OT!

Florida did it lol.

Eichendraw :sweat_smile:


just checked out 11gig geforce RTX price because Doc got new one… i almost fell of my chair


Oh come on…how bad could it b–…
checks price

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