Lol tank life in ow2


Option 1. Play a DPS.

Option 2. Play a DPS that’s 4 times larger and easier to hit, has a lower walking speed, does less damage, is less mobile, lacks escape abilities, has a restricted attack range and was designed visually specifically to draw attention to itself in combat, but has had the ability to deal with that attention removed.

Hmm. I wonder which is the better deal.


This so much I have been crying this aloud you can’t convert dps players to tanks.


Absolutely none of the buffs really move the needle to make it enjoyable lol. Unless you’re a rein main, they have him a lot but it’s not gonna make him more appealing to non rein players

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This is the funniest part IMO
Tanks should be tankier, not DPSier


well lets not pretend that main tanks exsist atm. i think most tanks that are in your games now are usually tanks farming for priority passes. its just gonna be the same thing in ow2 if they keep that priority pass system. wonder if they will change that too tho, the amount of priority passes you get if you win or not get if you lose

There’s if you see a main tank it’s a tank player, pass players are pig ball players.

What you will get is whatever little that’s left of these players will leave.

Jokes on you all, I have always been a hog player.

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uhh i see a LOT of combos in quickplay. even main tanks play all funky like go on long flanks or the rein that charges off a cliff. happens a lot more then release overwatch

so having 1 tank might be good since the role will becomes less impactful than it is now. currently if you have 2 dps minded tanks and the other team has at least an adequate tank its gonna be a long game.

you can’t tell the future, so as far as im concerned this post is just salt

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Gonna pass on the dva solo experience here since she’s apparently not going to get rework but she’s identical to her ow1 version…

Aka easy to explode and then she hangs around too long in baby form, being useless.


Im sure they working on fixing a problem
Like making tank bots to deal with lack of people willing to fat-dps.


Well, I like playing tank and support, I dislike playing DPS. So watched the demo. No way in heck am I dealing with tanking as it looks there. Things die to fast to have any impact as a support.

I do appreciate them showing this demo. Saved me the $60 I was going to spend on the game. Not happening now.


the only thing that concerns me is that when i play tank in ow2 is that which tank will feel like a bad experience and which tank will feel good. i highly doubt they can make all tanking heroes equal in experience by being the only tank in the game. there is gonna be a meta with a tank thats leagues better above the rest probably

I just don’t understand! If making tanks more like DPS didn’t work, why are they doubling down on an idea that didn’t work!?


Good luck landing a hook with no second tank to distract the enemy for you to flank or provide you shield cover. Especially since they did nothing about its janky telegraph and double cast delay, added more ways the chain can break and buffed the damage and movement speed of everyone shooting at you.

People who main the DPS heroes want to click on heads and get instant kills. Tanks that protect the team, and don’t easily die, get in the way of that.

OWL pros and streamers are overwhelmingly damage hero players, and the game is being twisted to suit their whims.


they have shot themselves in the foot and burnt a successful game to ground.



It doesn’t matter. People want interesting mechanics, not perfect balance. It will be fine. Everyone (90% of qp) doesn’t play hog because he is strong, they play hog because he is interesting.

Balance will come with time.

I think the lack of tanks in the game is a culture problem. People who prefer DPS generally do not listen to their tanks calls in game and do whatever they want. Which leaves the tanks exposed when they push in or get aggressive… and they die. Which can get VERY frustrating… especially when all your team had to do was push in with you. I’ve main’d a tank in this game for a long time, and secondary’d a support. So I’m telling you from first hand experience why people who main tanks… aren’t quing.