Lol no balance patch



can get FPS fix elsewhere - let the dps players enjoy their evergrowing queue times


Yeah, they are seriously dropping the ball. It’s real bad.

They are definitely gonna kill their game at this rate considering Overwatch was already looked down upon by the general gaming community as it was.


Guess I’ll be switching over to DPS role and abusing the hell out of Sojourn for a while.

At least I’ll be having fun.

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I’m only surprised at your surprise.

Nerfs are due at the end of season 1 :S Today was getting Torb and Bastion back and the event full of free goodies…Oh Wait.

I don’t know why everyone complains about sombra and genji when sojourn is far more powerful then either of them. She’s the most broken character I’ve ever seen in 6 years of playing


Haha Zarya beam go brrrrrrr

Is it live? Wasnt expecting it for another hour or so.

Welp its time for the apex grind then

Jesus, in queue to log in, again?

Great update! now we have the queue screen back and a server that doesn’t respond!


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im genuinely angry at this point. not seething, but angry.

you guys cant keep making promises, and then not follow through on the most BASIC elements. you literally said you WILL make balance adjustments during this season.
when, if not now?

also, off topic, but i got a message when i logged in that said this was “only a test build” lmaooo´???

Zarya can’t remain in this state. It’s absolutely unbearable


They pushed it back because the pros wanted also a Sojourn nerf that is currently worked on.

The leaked balance patch for genji was a bit too harsh imo, also why is sojourn not getting nerfed


Don’t play Competitive tonight. Servers are bugging anyways… so…

Because of the following reason:

Interesting. Do you have a source for that?

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Multiple CC videos that spoken to blizz.

So does this confirm that the internal balance team are in fact beyond useless?
They literally have to be told what to do by pros, otherwise nothing happens.

It is just so sad.