Lol. Developers boss's dont read the forums

I agree with you there. I mean, they didn’t even do a developer update with this new patch and Summer Games. Very odd.

Actually think that’s coming soon ™

What this is absurd!!!
They should learn from Donald Trump and use Twitter and Facebook for everything.
It’s almost like they have other jobs, than reading the forums…


They use a fully automated report system to ban players that paid real money to play this game, ignoring any kind of false reports.

… and you rly think they waste money paying someone to read this forum?

Next plz…

Reports is a completely different topic though.

Blizzard has a team of public relations management and executives. They even have a job opening right now.

They may not tell the devs what they’re reading, because they don’t have to. But they do have people controlling their social media.

Like the holiday Overwatch Skin menu?

Yep, to check fanboy forum reports and lock down any criticism. Especially during free weenends when “new” players may visit the forum and get an idea what this game is about before pulling daddy’s credit card.

The worst critics lockdown was way before Mercy during that lootbox scandal, which initiated the first real mega thread and hundreds of closed threads because free weekend.

Even the most active community manager only has 3 days of total read time.

I have 11 days just from casual posting and required reading to get Trust Level 3 (which I then subsequently lost last week).


Remembering how quickly Bastion and Sombra Nerfs were, saying they listened to us… something not right


They are lazy af, I know.

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Pretty sure I have more then four days, but whatever. (Seriously I am pretty well known here.)

Maybe the system is messed up.

I don’t see an issue with much. The only thing I can really say I’m shocked about is “14h readtime” for Jeff.

Like, seriously. He’s got <200 posts, has more likes than most users on the forums, and he hardly reads?

I mean, I know he’s busy, but of the 6+ months the forums have been active, 14h is not enough for the lead developer of OW.


They dont care about feedback or comunity.

Hanzo rework.
Symm rework
Mercy rework
Also bastion rework.

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I do think that’s a little presumptuous to say that.

Jeff K has replied to forum threads at least 4 times today


He back to forums after 2 months.

better than nothing.

far better.

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when youre the boss you don’t read…you hire people to do that for you…probably not even him, they asked him what to write :smiley: