Login Error (Console)

dominos for sure, hand pan pizza>>>

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Who else is able to play rn?


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Okie yea imma try to see if mine works

I got in y’all!!! 🥹🥹🥹

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Greetings again, everybody!

A fix to the PlayStation login issues is being rolled out now, and you all should be able to get in. Continue to report any issues as you come across them. Apologies for the long delay and I hope all of you enjoy the Anniversary Remix Volume 3 event.



Thanks again Craig for keeping us in the loop and just communicating with us. Get your boss in here so I can tell him you deserve a raise! :smiley:


i keep getting lc 202

Craig said it’s being rolled out, so give it a some more time. Have you also tried resetting your ps4/5, just in case?

yeah i have but this problem has been happening for a month now. during mid game i get the red icon of disconnecting and then it kicks me and says lc 202 lost connection to game server

i went so crazy that i bought overwatch on my switch haha. the controls are absolute hell tho

I found this, perhaps it can help?

i tried all that and nothing works :frowning: im connected to lan cable too :frowning:

Sorry I couldn’t be more help -_-. I hope it fixes itself soon.

yeah I’ve been waiting for over a month now. Can’t play the game in peace .

Have you also checked with your service provider? Just to see if it’s on their end?

So people have lost so many of their skins that they got with the game when first purchased so that’s one issue

Craig’s in this discussion asking people questions about which OW they purchased.

This man is a god.

I’ve had this message for weeks: «Failed to connect to game server. Please try again later.» Come on, is not serious. I’m so… not impressed.

what’s the error code your getting?