@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

then shouldn’t you also explain she was taken down to 50 hps because she out classed every other healer by a mile and a half with it?

I didn’t say you weren’t smart. That’s something you assumed, :confused:

It’s a buff and a revert.

To say that you’re the only one thus far who’s understood what I’ve been saying? I find that far-fetched.

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you said “someone finally gets it” meaning you assumed I didn’t get it. I did.

you assuming I didn’t get it means you didn’t think I had the intelligence to understand it.

sorry. you got caught there is no weaseling your way out of that one.

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No. You misinterpreted it. I’m saying that you’re the only one thus far who’s understood what I said. What’s up with you always assuming the worse thing from me?

Forget it Justin

she demonstrated with the whole revert thing that vocabulary isnt a strong suite



You’re one to talk.


you dont know the meaning of the word, and worse, have assigned a different meaning to it

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I didn’t misinterpret anything:

this is a condescending and toxic statement.

I explained how it is.

You can play dumb all day, that just makes you look less credible.

you know what you were doing with this statement.

“someone finally gets it”

name anywhere that wouldn’t be a condescending statement.

You’re basically talking about yourself at this point :joy:

Just ignore them, you guys aren’t going to reach an understanding.

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it’s good sign more or less, since mei’s sniping icicles came back, they finally started reverting things

It’s only condescending and toxic if you misinterpret it. Like I said, I’m saying that you’re the only one thus far who’s understood what I’ve said.

And I explained how it isn’t.

Literally me congratulating you for understanding what I’m saying but for some reason you want to undermine my position in a movement.


Btw here ya go Patch Note Analysis

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yeah, its more or less impossible to advance a conversation with someone whos primary form of response essentially matches one of the lines oft spoke by Pee Wee Herman

no you didn’t you tried to say “you misinterpreted it” which is not true.

you know what you said. you know what you were doing.

you know when people say things like “someone finally gets it”

when they are talking to animals. or children.

so youre talking to me like a child or an animal. that’s being condescending.

your mercy analysis is a joke in that thread. nice attempt at rationalising it. but you just tried to dodge it whilst being positive so you dont get hit by tom powers.

:man_facepalming: Do you want a thank you? Okay, thank you for misinterpreting me. :blush:

why are they giving it back to her then. please listen to yourself.

they nerfed her and it wasnt called for, they buffed everyone else + nerfed her in 1 patch, therby making her the wost healing, when they couldve just not touched mercy and buffed everyone else and had it right.

in what way did she outclass exactly, might i ask?

That’s cause the Mercy changes were a joke, overall they make valk be active more and have a tiny bit better of impact, also this version of valk will be the “fun” thing for some by how much they get to use it etc.

My analysis isn’t wrong, she still won’t be fun for some and won’t feel impactful until her ult.