Literally blows my mind the mentality of some players

5 games in a row now I’ve been playing main healer ( mostly moira ) and so far all I’ve seen is a lack of common sense.

3 teammates dead
Let me blade into the enemy team. WTF I died!? Where is my team!?”

Me :We’ve lost too many players just group up.

winston dies

Me : Come on stop trickling in and dying 1v6 just group up

Hanzo dies

Me : What do you hope to achieve by 1v6’ing the entire enemy team

Rein rushes in and tries to shatter enemy teamAnd then dies


I don’t understand what goes through the mind of some of these players. I’ve been on the border of diamond for nearly 5 hours now because nobody is willing to group.

I’ve also been blocked and reported for voice line spamming for using the “group up” voice line.

I just don’t know what to do. These people are everywhere…


Duo que tbh or play dps

I wa splaying mercy and my rein said I didnt heal him enough while proceeding to charge 1v6 at a bunker comp


Might be best to just find a group you can play with

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What someone once mentioned in a video was that Overwatch attracts too many casuals players that get into competitive without a competitive attitude. This ruins the experience.


We’re all casuals here. No one here is pro.

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i was 4k earlier this season, now im like 3450. Match quality has just been terrible here. It wasn’t that bad between like 3700 and 4k but below that its just bad. Like every game im actually asking my team mates in my head “stop feeding stop feeding stop feeding” Kinda just feels like this happens every game for either team.

Pretty much, in the last week ( i play a lot) All of my losses have had gold objective time as 0 seconds (we literally did not contest), and all of my wins have been a really high objective time since the enemy team didnt contest.

Like i dont understand whats going on, 0 even/close games in the last week or so.

And like im a support player right, if my team is afk waiting to group up then thats what i have to do. Yesterday in my first game of the day we lost first fight, and the enemy team went to our spawn. We spent approximately 40 seconds walking out of spawn to out death… i was just waiting to regroup pocketing people from inside the spawn.


i think he means like QP players vs Competitive mode players.


Playing dps youll just get flamed for not killing 6 every fight.



You still can rank up higher. Tough skin is needed for any role. I didn’t start getting good with Mercy and Lucio until I said “f my team, I know what’s best” and got flamed and reported
Reports and rage seemed to fuel my St gains. Or it’s just a better way to rank up

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I like to think theres a “dedicated” category inbetween casual and pro

Even the British don’t have enough patience for these people.

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Playing support , this is so painful. I’ve done the same. And I’ll be saying in chat “I’m not dropping my stats because you don’t want to group up” while rein is spawning in and my reaper is flaming me from across the map


Try being the tank actually trying. You get all the blame and yet people don’t even know you’re there lol, as they walk straight past you to 1v6, not getting the hint.


the concept of grouping up is foreign to some.


I do :confounded::confounded: why is my McCree and soldier not behind my shield? Who knows. Why is widow up front? Who knows.
It’s exhausting.


You can’t blame players for not knowing how to play the game, when Blizzard never told them how.

Think about this; there’s no introduction to playing Overwatch, at all, despite the fact that there’s clearly a way of playing the game, that’s both more fun and effective, then others. Basic stuff, like grouping up, waiting for your team, making an effective team comp, and so on. The majority of players don’t know this, they just walked into the game oblivious, and are continuing to play it this way. Don’t blame the player, blame the game.

It wouldn’t even take a long time to do, you could just make a short video with a voice-over (it could even be Soldier 76 or McCree), who explains everything. Force new players to watch it, the moment they hit level 25, or ells they won’t be able to play competitive.


they show you how ults work, soldiers abilities, and a very small amount about how objectives work, yet nothing about how you should group up with teammates.

LoL has a lot of videos teaching basic mechanics of the game. This is lacking from bliz.

The game is amazing, but the way they are supporting it… Damn. Lower bronze rank.

Genji: Mercy I’m gonna blade pocket me
*I put my beam on him
*Genji dashes in and gets deleted
Genji: Nice pocket…


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