Link to proof of Roadhog Nerf? Can't find it

I’m seeing “RoadHog Nerfed”, but I see nothing in the Live or PTR patch notes or even in posts here from the Devs. It’s nowhere where I usually find this stuff…maybe it’s somewhere specific?
Can someone please give me a link cause I want to see if it’s legit or not(or just a possible screw up on Blizzard’s part). Thanks!

It’s a “bug fix” to his right click. Basically now it does DRASTICALLY less damage at range, and it makes pulling off his only half-decent combo near impossible.

Under bug fixes

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Here is the speculation surrounding it found on Reddit.

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It’s a bug fix from the last ptr patch, but the patch note is jibberish anyway though. What it does is add the fall off mechanic to hog’s right click so just test it on the ptr.

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Oooooooooooooh. Thanks for the visual on that. I don’t use his right click alot, so I would’ve never noticed that, but wow…that’s…actually pretty big.

Now DaftMauS comment makes more sense to me.

Thanks for helping me up to speed guys! I like to see stuff legitimately before I start saying stuff.

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Apparently it only applies at the ABSOLUTE maximum range. If you move even a few steps forward, the loss of dropoff is significantly notable and puts him back in line with how his right click should be.

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Oh ok. That’s good to know! WIth that in mind, it doesn’t seem THAT bad, but in the heat of the battle, it might actually be bad. We’ll see. Either way, Thank you!

It’s just ANOTHER bug for poor Hog. He really can’t catch a break. And the worse part is the Overwatch is not acknowledging this.