Limited time free BattleTag name change

Only if they’re doing something wrong.

It’s a field in a database. It should cost them nothing.

I’m sorry but how do I change it?

Dont mind if I do.

Astrid is a better name then Scriptic so

nice, i would like to request a name change

Hello, requesting a name change please.

the game is rated T… how did you make one at 11?

I should rename myself DEAD 4 BILL no one would know it is me.

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I created the name back when I played Roblox and carried it on to other games since then. I pre-ordered Overwatch at 13.

Free name change? That’s awesome :clap:

We have to submit tickets asking for the free battle tag changes. Whoever decided to give away free battle tags also chose to make this process manual and significantly increase workload for blizzard staff. tsk tsk tsk.

You need to follow this link and request the free change there.

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I submitted a ticket as said. But the support team is not aware of this article. They didn’t offer me a free BattleTag change.

It’s limited time too? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, this is OW after all, but total meh in that case.

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Becuase capitalism and greed rule the world. You think Blizzard makes games just for fun? They’re going to gouge you for every penny at every possible turn just because they can.

How very generous of them to give something away for free that costs them literally nothing anyway.

Existing name changes will not stack for future use.

Does this mean that those who still have their free name change get nothing? e.g.: if i were to change it now, i wouldn’t have my preexisting free option afterwards?

i often forget that Steam lets you change for free without limits wheras about every other platform charges you for some bizarro reason lmao


y we gotta ask for it? just give it to us lol


And bang goes the opportunity cost. Still, it might frustrate some players to fork over a tenner to do something that should be free. Which would be nice for Blizzard.

This is why i never put character names into my gamertags, i make references.

This is excellent news … maybe I’ll change my name to … Best[guess?]

Yes! i would love the new free name change