Limited skins should be available yearly for sale, as well as

Eh it doesn’t matter either way. The skin is marked legacy, so I doubt it’s coming back.

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Pretty much. The All Star skins are exclusives to that years event. Once it’s over they are gone.


I will say that I think Blizzard should say something about it.
They said it was going to be available in some way this year, but marking it as legacy means it’s not coming back.
I think it was a rather poor move on their part.

Gotcha, thanks!

By the way, what about Demon Hunter Sombra? Any news or replies?

No news yet or comments by bliz. Last I heard our forum VIP was asking questions and awaiting replies.

You might be a gamer and investor, so I would recommend reading up on business practices and common tactics meant to wring as much money out of the consumer as possible.

It’s a well-known fact that more often than not a “limited time” sale or “biggest sale of the year!!!” practices will often net businesses a nice chunk of money.

And it’s all about the Benjamin’s, y’all. :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:


I mean to be far…limited time sales usually are…you know limited time sales, like how blizzard only had 500 of those nice wrecking ball art pieces for sale during blizzcon (that i totally got one)

Yeah ok, but this completely leaves out the exclusivity factor, which is a major driving force behind sales. There is a reason why “limited edition” is a popular sales tactic in every market. People will buy it because if they don’t, they will miss out, and people hate missing out.

If they knew it would return, many would just put off buying it, and a lot of those would probably just never buy.



The event skins are already available every year.

But it is your fault. And it’s nobody else’s problem what’s happening in your life that prevents your from partaking in the limited time event. That is solely and entirely your problem. They don’t make Lucio-O’s in Canada. I can’t get them. Is that Blizzard’s problem? Is it yours? No. It’s mine.

So far your only reason for wanting limited time skins to be available after the fact is because you missed out and don’t have them, and as a result you’re trying to hide your desire to have them behind a wall of “Its bad business” and “it’s just digital content”. Which is silly and honestly just as entitled as it is elitist. Pot, kettle, black.

The fact remains that limited time skins make money BECAUSE they’re limited. You think people are gonna shell out money to the tune of $1.3 million (pink mercy) for a skin that they can just buy anytime?? A skin that every single person who plays the game can just get whenever they want?

No. That would be bad business. Limited time items make money. Because if EVERYONE can get it, then it loses its uniqueness and it loses a lot of what makes it desirable because its no longer limited and rarer than other skins. And that’s the key. Rare and unique.

So no. I don’t agree with you. If you missed it, you missed it.


It doesn’t surprise me. The official forums are a cesspool of shills and white knights on one side with toxic whiners crying for nerfs on the other side.

As a player who owns all these event skins I couldn’t care less if a new player could earn it the same way I did. You aren’t a snowflake. If the only thing that makes these skins special is the fact nobody can get them anymore then they really weren’t that special to begin with huh? This might explain why the only event skin I actually have equipped is the Atlantean Mercy. Personally while they aren’t always my taste to have equipped I’d still love to see them in the games more often and equipped by others for the sake of variety.

Cheap FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) tactics are shameful and anyone defending them should equally be shamed. FOMO and Lootboxes are what games do when they’re creatively bankrupt to figure out better ways to monetize their players. Blizzard making seasonal pve expansions (that has skins which we can bring to the PvP side of OW) would take actual effort for example.

Why create actual content when you can just drain the players soul with lootboxes instead and then fool them into thinking they’re getting a great deal by spending $10-$30 on a single event skin when we could be buying actual game content instead with that money.

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I don’t understand the mentality that some players have regarding limited skins. Why does it matter to you if someone else has the opportunity to get a skin you already have? This mindset of needing to be “special” and having something that everyone else doesn’t really bugs me.

Whether or not it bugs you doesn’t matter. Fact remains limited items and exclusivity has made businesses more money for decades and that isnt going to change any time soon

It’s not always that. Some of us wouldn’t have bought the skins so quickly if we knew they’d be coming around again, likely for cheaper considering the patterns we’ve observed with returning cosmetics.


I know I wouldn’t have bothered buying them if I knew I could get them later

Of course. It’s just a shoddy business practice for a company of Blizzards stature. I’m not fond of mobile-like systems in AAA games. I think it’s quite sinful that someone can actually spend $20 and still not get the skin they wanted.

Companies make things limited for cheap appeal and hype. Chances are they’re not going to change it.

I understand what you are saying man but, don’t take this the wrong way. If you think every company out there isn’t doing every shady thing possible to make a buck then you really don’t understand how the world works.

Like big banks and companies will literally calculate the costs / profits of breaking laws and illegal business practices and if they will make more money than the legal fines if they get caught they will do it.

Also no big companies pay taxes, they funnel all their money through Ireland and other countries to avoid paying a dime.

Basically what I’m saying is all of these big companies are shady as hell and not one of them is out to do good for you or the world. They will always do whatever is most profitable regardless of the effects.

So really selling rng loot boxes is the least of our concerns.

I’m not saying I support it at all. I am only saying your argument of “It’s just a shoddy business practice for a company of Blizzards stature. ” is extremely naive considering every big company out there is doing the same or far far worse.

Watch some John Oliver sometime. He often illustrates just how slimy a lot of businesses are.


People don’t seem to understand that “limited edition” items also have the negative effect of causing people of a certain mindset not to even bother picking up or continue playing a game because of increasing amounts of content that is no longer obtainable.

My anecdotal evidence is my experience with Hearthstone. I played that game and spent good deal of money on it in the first couple of years and put in a great deal of effort to unlock all the “limited time” content as I could. Eventually I had somethings that came up that caused me to miss a couple of seasons. I therefore missed out on content I could no longer acquire. I ultimately stopped playing Hearthstone because of that, and Blizzard lost an additional source of income.

I am getting to that point with this game now too. If I happen to miss something, like the Ashe Twitch sprays I missed, it puts me in a state of mind where my enthusiasm for the game drops. I will eventually stop spending money on the special skins because of this. Blizzard’s business strategy is not consumer friendly in this respect of limiting accessibility to pixels.