LGBTQ+ inclusion in OW2?

How? Me personally will join a community to play video games, talk video games. No one knows or cares. 90% of time it is only an issue if you make it an issue


This is one of the many reasons why i sigh at topics like these. because more often than not, it becomes forced diversity which later leads to pandering and derailing entertainment into preaching/shoving it in your face. I’m bisexual and couldnt care less about this rhetoric. I just want a good game with good mechanics, great content, and lots of “replayability.” When the main focus becomes something like identity politics. its when products start to fail in the entertainment industry.


Wouldn’t be forced if they just had the inclusion to begin with. People want to know, not assume everyone they play is cisgendered and heterosexual

Edit: especially in games that may or may not have relationships be built in, not skippable, that are only cisgendered and heterosexual relationships.


I support this, I can’t play a game if it doesn’t have some pixels representing my life.

Lol im quite a minority being in the 0.3% category. But again, people in certain countries and even in the united states can’t even hold hands with their partners/spouses in some states if they are same sex, trans, non-binary. Not to mention the bill(s) that have and are going to be going through to stifle people further.


I always find these topics really…odd.

Fictional books and PC games for me are a way to escape realism. I don’t care if nothing matches how my own world is. Less the better actually.

There are 100 million different groups in the world. Why should LGBTQ+ be a priority over making a hero that speaks welsh and is from Wales? Or any other group? After all I want that so why not?

The truth is I honestly don’t care about not having a Welsh link. PC games should have artistic freedom to do whatever they want.


They should have no backstory for any hero and just let the user pick in their own mind.

Queer hamster…yea sure
Gay soldier who is having a relationship with a trans Orisa…yea why not, go for it.

Imagine to your hearts content. Go wild!


Do people really want to know that though? “Oh damn, I wonder whether that bunch of polygons has the same sexual preferences as me”


I’m 6’7 and I don’t identify with/enjoy a game more because they made a tall character.


Don’t lie, we know that’s the reason why you own 12 copies of slenderman :rofl:


Ok that was funny, but no. I’m on the meaty side, not slender XD

Think Sully from Monsters Inc.


There aren’t mentions of sexuality of any kind because the vast majority of people don’t care, straight or LGBTQ+, doesn’t matter.


We’ll of course not, Blizz dont want a Disney debacle that the conservatives gave to Disney over new or a changed concept. They dont want to be “cancelled” because something about a character’s history doesn’t align with the conservative “core values” that are just evangelical rhetoric.


Stop trying to bring your twitter politics in here, not interested, it’s completely hypocritical and ignorant.


im actually kinda curious do you like seeing lesbian female character portrayed as cute lovely british lady ?

Lol dont even use twitter dude. Haven’t since 2006 when I was a freshman in high school. It’s not my deal. I’m a Kiwi Farmer instead. Much more toxic than twitter or this place has been so far.


We want more gay characters because any time we ask for a gay character we still have to put up with constant questioning and ridiculous comparisons from bad faith boneheads. If this was a thread asking for a tall character no one would ask “Why do you need a tall character?”. If this was a thread asking for a Welsh character no one would go “Stop trying to force the Welsh on us.”

Inclusiveness leads to normalcy, and it would be nice to one day get to a point where a conversation can be had about this without scores of weirdos coming in and derailing the topic looking for justification.


Cis-heteronormative people just like to not see us as people most of the time. Or they only fetishize (with their standard of attractiveness) lesbians because it’s two femmes (but no respect from them) as we saw in the 90’s-00’s (well and now, especially if the media is for the cis-het male gaze/consumption )


I hope not, politics/ideology have nothing to do in this game
Even if they do that they will be cancelled by countries like China Russia Middle east :joy:


And again, it why it’s been said they won’t add anything, to disrupt the conservative view point (and that’s not just US conservative view points) from prior replies.

The company doesn’t want to be cancelled.

And LGBTQ+ dont want to be killed in conservative areas in the US and the World, and yet that still happens.