LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

it also means multiple talon tanks!

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I agree that heā€™s a very curious character. I agree with some of my twit friends that he would have been a far more interesting character visually speaking if he had become completely incomprehensible visually to match whats happened to his mind.

I agree tho i dont see mauga using these kinds of abilities either.


Meh. Talon at this point has ENOUGH heroes, heroes who donā€™t really have anything to do with Talonā€™s mission to boot. Mauga is going to basically be ā€˜ā€™ we are all rotten to the core, might as well have some fun with it ā€˜ā€™ and thatā€™s why he sticks with Talon. And from lore point of view, eh.

I would much rather take Sanjay over Mauga or Talon Omnic with Dreads. Actually, the omnic with dreads might be important soā€¦ Sanjay or him.

Anyway, next two heroes will definitely be Echo and Sojourn or whomever, so thereā€™ll be no exciting hero announcements for at least a year. Though Iā€™m hoping both of those mentioned characters will at least bring some juicy Overwatch lore, thatā€™s the only thing Iā€™m looking forward to!


I mean, to an extent I agree with you over disconnect with talonā€™s mission (which weā€™ve only got a brief look into)ā€¦my like for Mauga is that heā€™s not a main player, heā€™s a smaller player looking to make himself a main player. Unlike a lot of the minor characters who are really gonna struggle for a place in the central plot (roadhog, junkrat?) Heā€™s the one looking into how to get to the big picture. I would love Sanjay as well, and the talon omnic with dreads likeā€¦actually was the biggest cuckolding in Overwatchā€™s history. We donā€™t know anything about him except that Doomist reached out to him right before he was captured and imprisoned by Overwatch.

I am excited to learn about Echo and Sojourn, think about the hype for sombra when we were learning about things she had her fingers stuck in the pie for. We knew she was coming, and we knew to expect Ana as well.

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So, Sigmaā€™s gameplay seems pretty cool. But, like ROT10 said, his story/past is a lot simpler than expected based on the origin story. I still want to know more about him and how exactly his mind was affected by the accident. I wish we could get an animated short about Sigmaā€™s past and how Talon broke him out and started using himā€¦

They said to expect something cool in like 2 ish weeks. Short story, maybe? With perhaps Talon as a focus again?

Jeff DID imply something about Sigma becoming part of the beloved Reaper Sombra Widowmaker squad. Unless I heard and understood wrong lmao.

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I mean I would assume he has become part of the SQUAD if heā€™s being shown in the center of the now filled out Talon Team, with reaper and doomfist at the healm, moira behind sigma, and widow and sombra in the backline of that final shot of his origin story.

Oh, he said that? Usually, around the august 20th, we have an animated short and a map announcementā€¦ but since they already change the dates for the event and the hero, who knows really :woman_shrugging:

Iā€™m hoping for a short story for Sigma, comic wonā€™t do it justice really. Iā€™d love if they did the same thing they did for Baptiste. Short story, added lore and information on both his history, the present and moving lore forward + a short event challenge.

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I guess they didnt make Sigmaā€™s music play while playing him. thatā€™s a bit disappointing. though at least he looks like heā€™ll make playing tanks fun again. And as suspected, heā€™s partially to thank for the 2-2-2 queue. blizzard realized they couldnt keep adding heroes and avoid players abusing shields with a team of tanks. Im relieved they noticed it. itā€™s all just the natural progression of the gameplay.

Same. I would not be happy with Orisa-Reinhardt-Sigma compsā€¦ nopeā€¦

Regardless, Iā€™m still hopeful for some non-barrier tanks and especially non-healing supports for the future. Because now, since 2-2-2 is coming, I think itā€™d be good for the diversity of team compositions and meta that there are more new heroes with less conventional kits for their role. Case in point original Symmetra in support role, and to an extent a utility-based damage hero like Sombra in DPS role.

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I think jeff mentioned that when talking about the creation of the heroes after sigma was released. (along with possibly more heroes within a year and heroes planned for the next 2 years, which is a huge plus)

after how my games went today, 2-2-2 cant come soon enough. the enemy team had actual comps, my team somehow had all dps, and none of them the ones with self healingā€¦cant exactly play solo tank or healer with a comp like that.

This is why I donā€™t play any game mode that ā€˜ā€™ matters ā€˜ā€™ lol.
Iā€™m generally fine with people picking whatever though, as long as it works. 6 DPSā€¦ might work if everyone is great at their role, and the enemy team is dumb as heck, but thatā€™s a big IF.

the new changes should also benefit people who just want to solo queue. no more real hassle from trying to play on your own.

Maybe, weā€™ll have to see if anything truly changes, or if new problems occur.

his music plays when he ults

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well, at least thereā€™s that. I havent seen anyone else mention it until now. he also seems to have a ā€œfunā€ personality judging by his voicelines.

The thread is officially a year old!