LFP, EU, 2,9k - 3,3k

Hey I’m a diamond off tank player from EU currently 3k (3.2k peak) playing with a main tank currently 3.2k( 3.4k peak) searching for 2 dps and 2 supports around 2.9k - 3.3k to grind ranked , reach masters and have fun. We play mostly on weekends and sometimes on workday evenings. We are chill and speak english and german. If you are interested dm me i will respond on the same day but maybe not directly
add me PingPeter#2739


I am around 2.6k to 3.2k. I can play almost any character and role, but my mains are Ana, Zarya, Reaper.

Just for your information I can join voice chat but English is my second language and I am still learning.

Id: AlexisDeWitt#1817

I have added you. English is also my second language and cannot speak it perfectly either

Hey I’d love to join you on disc but your disc tag doesnt work for me… could you add me Raccoon#4131