LFG was doomed to fail. Clans/Guilds, though, might have a shot

I agree. A role intent queue system could still work, LFG just wasn’t it. People need the ability to queue up with what they want to play without being harassed. LFG failed to do that completely.

While a clan/guild system would be just fine, there’s a lot of people who don’t like to join groups of people they don’t know for various reasons.

It also doesn’t solve that not everyone is good at everything, and people still getting mad at their team mates, guild or not, when the game goes south. It could actually cause even more drama as I think about it. “So and so joined us and totally blew the game, boot him from the guild!!!11”

I feel pretty similarly, I think that RNG MM for a team based game like Overwatch is a big problem, having a go-to like-minded group with its own rules and expectations to regularly queue with makes it so much easier to keep out riff-raff throwers, toxic players, smurfs, etc., while letting players actually get used to each other, build real strategies, etc.

No. They would fail for the exact same reasons LFG was DOA.

Personally I think with the amount of attention it’s getting recently, Blizzard will experiment with either a hero ban system or a role queue.

I can’t see any major feature they release not directly impacting solo-queue. Without a huge amount of support, Clans/Guilds will fizzle just like LFG did, even if it’s only because of the stigma against queuing in larger groups.

It will be LFG 2.0 for most players; however, for a few, I am sure it will actually work this time. Is it worth their time and resources? No. Not at all. But whatever, I have disagreed with most of their priorities. Nothing new from me.