LFG group for all gamemodes. NA! :)

Hey there!

I am Sizzum, first time posting on these forums, pardon any errors :slight_smile:
Me and a friend were looking to get a group going for some fun in Overwatch!

We’re looking for pretty friendly people that wont get too angry at errors and screw ups, cus we are definitely not pros lol. LGBTQ+ Friendly, 16+ preferred. SR Doesn’t matter, we’ll improve together. Mic preferred, at least the ability to listen. Discord is optional, can if needed. Our schedules vary.

Currently its just me and one other,
Sizzum, [SR: Plat 2671], Battle Tag: Sizzum#11135
DPS: Tracer, Pharah, some Genji, McCree and a little widow.
Support: Mercy (Most Hours), Brig, Lucio and Ana
Tank: D.va, Winston, Orisa. Some Rein.

Pidge, {They/Them pronouns} [Unranked, never played comp]
Tank: D.va
Support: Moira (Most Hours), Mercy, some Lucio and Ana

And thats it, Let me know <3
Current amount contacted: 2

Hey! I’d be interested in playing with you guys! I play mostly DPS and i usually do QP/Arcade but im cool with anything really. I have discord as well.

Sounds great! Feel free to add me, my battle tag is in the original post :slight_smile: