LF a Pocket Mercy to Rank Up

I main Pharah and seems like 15% of the time a mercy will actually pocket me (non friend list) and we win a lot more than when I don’t get a pocket mercy yet still have a mercy in the group.

I usually average a 62%-70% accuracy full match so a pocket mercy you can help a lot.

I mostly play Friday nights but can play Mon, Wed, Sun also.

Friday nights are more about have drinks and fun but still winning!

On this toon I was plat for awhile and then one season I decided to fill and dropped to bronze and now barely hit gold and at time can’t past silver due to healers wanting to dps, leavers, trolls, people who rush in solo, solo ult, etc.

So if you would like to group and main mercy and will focus on pocket (and obviously heal others when needed when you aren’t pocketing) and stress focus on pocketing to level to at least Plat leave your ID here.

No yelling, no stress, just have fun and rank up but pocket.

I got you, only thing is i play during the day 0800 to 1400.

Awwww. :frowning: Do you ever hop on Friday nights?

What time zone? Do you use mic?

I’m a Mercy/Moira main. 2193 SR. Peaked low Diamond in S10 and haven’t played much comp since Role Queue. I’m having trouble climbing due to lack of communication and coordination from my team in my matches when I solo queue.

I’m in NA - CST - I play pretty much every night until about 12am.

I also often run with other Support mains.


Hey there! I just started a couple months back. I was a high master lvl Starcraft 2 player with pretty quick reflexes and overall great map awareness.

I play with a lot of friends who are low lvl so it has been tricky getting out of silver/bronze, but when I solo queue or queu with my friend, we (I) will generally go 7-2 which seems to be the average. For the role lock season, I have a 66% win rate as Mercy and tend to do around 1,100 healing per minute with a 800 dmg amp per 10 min average.

My friend was in plat for a a few seasons back around season 12 and we are climbing together. He mains tank and does a killer Sigma/Orisa or Hog. You are welcome to join us when we play as well. Our last set we went 10-1 for about 250 SR gain on the role queue season.

Hit me up!


Will do and would love to join you guys! I will add you tonight

What SR range?

20 char



Sorry, saw this now. Still interested? I am looking for mostly Friday nights. Fun times, having fun but winning too. I am Silver but was plat for quite awhile until this role queue. Now I can’t win. I found a group but our times are hit and miss.

Tonight for example. Lost 6 in row. I carried the team as best as I could. Golds, k:d 4:1 and 71% avg accuracy. 4 of those matches had Mercy’s where I got 0 (ZERO) boosting and heals. Many times I left multiple people with 1 shot left. had I was boosted they would have died. We would have won all the matches.

Funny part is. If I play against another Pharah they seem to ALWAYS get boosted. Sure might be a buddy but I doubt all the time.

So still interested?

yeah, just invite me in game, don’t need a novel :slight_smile:

Rarely, I’m with my gf those times.